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Can't get the S-300 to fire

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You guys know the long overdue Anatolian terrain I've been developing..

The Greek side has some S-300 batteries, and I've included them as regular Groundobjects. So that they are placed randomly with the SAM_Radar and SAM_Launcher callouts..

So far so good.. They are Rare and the game engine places them as planned. I do get painted and locked on indicating <10> which is the S-300 battery, when I fly against them but haven't managed to get fired on..


I have the Flaplid and SA-10L groundobjects, and the Missile SA-10 in weapons, as Soviet.. With a USERLIST only including Greece..


This is in latest patch EXP2, anybody have any tricks or would care to share their data files?


Thank you.

Edited by PureBlue

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and a FULL user list, or Nationailze them as "S-300_G" with non-exported, Greek only missiles and ground bits (did the same for the HQ-2s the Pakis use in the Indo-Pak mod)



kevin stein

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All bits exported=TRUE.

Both Soviets and Greece defined as Enemy too..

I think it might be something with the weapon.ini (SA-10 missile). Though I just checked and all files are exactly from Monthy's S-300 (released by Fubar)



It's in the SFP1 downloads but SF2 compatibility seems to be included..



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Might be a (main) nations ini problem, as both Greece and Turkey are classed in FRIENDLY in the games Nations.ini.


This was a question I/we need to pose to TK ... which takes precedence: the game's NATIONS.INI or the Terrain Nations.ini?????

(with regards to a possible "The Warbirds" mod, where Iraq is friendly, and Iran is enemy)


I know that enemy aircrft can carry 'friendly' weapons -- it's done all the time (Iraqi/Syrian/Indian Hunters carrying UK bombs and rockets). I don't see any real reason why it should be different for GOs (it also dosen't seem to care about guns, ala ships)


Just for S&Gs, I'd create a Greek missile, edit the launcher's data ini, and see if you get shot at! (good thing it's a game, huh??!)



kevin stein

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Now that you mention it I was on the Libya terrain yesterday and didn't get shot at either, and it's now easier to pick the Flap Lid off with a HARM.... Hrm..

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Ok I'll try the nationalized versions, again... It hadn't worked before.


I think the main nations.ini is primary source. I remember having to set Greece as Enemy there, and everything is working as expected.


I also have HAWK batteries set as USMC units, with USERLIST including Turkey and Greece.. Both sides use these groundobjects.. TK's got that down i think :good:

Edited by PureBlue

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Might be a fault in the missle itself (I don't actually have it installed, so...)


what about the Greek & Turkish NIKEs?? (btw, they'll need new userlists .. never got around to that yet, and updated statement in all the radar's data inis -- or "liberate" them from NF4)



kevin stein

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Got the NIKEs included as groundobjects. I switched over to using Sam_Radar and Sam_Launcher, automatic placement by game engine; INSTEAD of the specific SAM callouts in Targets/Types.ini..

Since the specific callouts make them stealth, as we all know..


I defined the Nikes VERY_RARE because of this. They tended to appear verry out of place with most of the hand placed sam sites i designed.. (some On hills, some with sand banks... star shaped sites and so on..)


Now that you mention it I was on the Libya terrain yesterday and didn't get shot at either, and it's now easier to pick the Flap Lid off with a HARM.... Hrm..


Yeah, I hope Fubar and other SAM experts chime in.. :grin:


(btw, an I-HAWK is desperately needed..)

Edited by PureBlue

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I-Hawks, SP-Hawks, and later varients, are all out there. If I'm not mistaken, Wrench uploaded them.

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