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Did you ever let your opponent go?

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"Socialism is a fantastic Ideal...just doesn't work in practice that's all."


It's difficult to make any socioeconomic system 'work' if the prevailing tide is in favour of a system that is antithetical to it. Recognise that and you suddenly start seeing things fall into place.


Damn - I've replied again!


OK, UK_W, look at it this way: we're in the throes of horrendous economic times here in the UK. I've lost my job and I know that you've had a rough deal up in Newcastle - something that will soon be played out more widely in the North East. Now, ask yourself - where, on balance, does the blame lie for this? Did you invent investment vehicles for the unwary that made you millions, but allowed you to escape unscathed? Did you unleash a massive Ponzi scheme on Geordieland? Did your family and your mates? I would guess not. But it's you (and me, as a now ex-local government employee) who will feel the effects, not them.


And very few people pontificating ever even stop to ask why this is so.


I've got very (very) pointed opinions on the subject, but I'll try not to wheel them out here, unless people repeatedly tell me that neoliberal capitalism - of the type we've suffered since the early 80s - is the one true way, in which case I will respectfully observe that the world wide financial meltdown of 2008/9 had absolutely eff all to do with socialism. I just wonder why people who criticise socialism so roundly, and yet have never experienced it, cannot recognise that the nature of the economic system that we live under - international capitalism - is simply making them increasingly skint and insecure. Look around you - under the watch of which economic system has Newcastle become the way it is?


<hops off soapbox>


BTW - how did you get on with that job at the airport? Did you get it, and, if you did, do you like it?

Edited by themightysrc

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Like I said mate..true socialism is a fantastic Ideal..If I thought for one minute, it would work in practice, I would grab my Broadsword and lead the charge at Westminster!..really I would!!


But Socialism in it's true sense, would only work if we were all Ants!...there would, in a very short space of time, be fat cats at the top, taking advantage of everyone else!..it's simple Greed...Humans do greed extremely well...and If I had the choice of becoming a fat cat..or living on a breadline, like all my 'Brothers'..I know what I would chose! (and I can guess which you would chose too Si)


I know that Capitalism is as far from ideal as it's possible to get...I don't even begin to pretend to have any answers that will move mankind forward, for the good of all..


Whatever it is, Human Beings are going to have to change VERY significantly, or NO political ideal will be any better than another.


Still waiting to hear about the Job, thanks for asking :drinks:

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Well, good luck with it - I hope you get it.


As for me, I'm enrolled with the Home Learning College and start a java programming course in a few days.


With reference to the rest of your post, I'll give it a 'wait and see'. Who would have thought a mere few months ago that the people of the MIddle East would overthrow their oppressive rulers so adroitly? Don't doubt that that what has happened there can happen here. It can.

Edited by themightysrc

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Well, good luck with it - I hope you get it.


As for me, I'm enrolled with the Home Learning College and start a java programming course in a few days.


With reference to the rest of your post, I'll give it a 'wait and see'. Who would have thought a mere few months ago that the people of the MIddle East would overthrow their oppressive rulers so adroitly? Don't doubt that that what has happened there can happen here. It can.


Tell ya what!..If that is the beginning of a 'New World Order'...bring it on!

Good luck with the Course...I know you've had a sh*t time of it recently!...all the best m8 :drinks:

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Still waiting to hear about the Job, thanks for asking :drinks:


I know it's off topic but I was wondering how you'd got on too. Hope you get the answer you wish for.


And I'm with you on the "New World Order" bit.

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Not sure socialism has ever really happened in any country....any that has taken that route have been really dictatorships...

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