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Love to fly the F 84 against a Mig 15....however I can't find any mods for the plane....I have a merged install but no expansion packs as I see it is included in one of them...so are there any mods? Also is there a Mig 15 mod?



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'merged install?" (the only merged installs for 1stGens in WoV/WoE)


ok....first, lets deciede WHICH game set we're talking about. That'll determine what kind of answer is to be recieved!


Is it safe to assume this is for SF2? or for SF/Wo*??


TMF released the 84F about 5+ years ago for SF/Wo*; SF2:I Expansion 1 adds them for the SF2 series






while not updated for (quite) a while, this thread will most likely be of some (vairable!) assistance



Edited by Wrench

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while not updated for (quite) a while, this thread will most likely be of some (vairable!) assistance





shoot me a list of who else actively has sites goin besides here and DAT) and i could do a Gen 2 list. of coursr with links to the original list and the KB thread on updating Gen 1 to 2!

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