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Historical Airfields in OFF - is that possible?

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Wondering, if it might be possible to make some of the airfields - those, which are well documented

in photos (like Bertangles, Bailleul Asylum, Bertincourt, Brayelles, Roucourt, Toulis and so on) look

a bit more like the RL originals in OFF ?

That would be great, to recognise your field just from it's whole shape and setup.

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Yes, that would be great for historical realism and immersion. It's completely understandable that not every airfield can be recreated so accurately, but maybe some could.

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I don't get to fly Over Flanders Fields myself, but usually reliable sources tell me that Bertangles, among others are out there. Perhaps drop out of the clouds in your valiant Tros and see what kind of reception you get...

Crumpets and tea perhaps?


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Tch! Crumpetz!! Vee hav zem for breakfast almoszt every mornink! Mmuahahahahahaaaaa!!!!!

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The deves will correct me if I speak falsely I'm sure, but I believe the aerodrome situation is akin to the skins one, i.e. there are a limited number of layout and building style tiles, so if you want accurate representation, like Gould Lee's 'cinder union jack in a field of potatoes' at La Gorgue, something else would have to give...

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Have someone expendable - yes, you will do, von Keltsch - fly over Bertangles this afternoon at 17 Uhr Berlin time, and see if the Lords have tables with white tablecloths and silverware laid out on the lawn in front of the Chateau at Bertangles. If they do, perhaps we will drop in another day.




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The fields are there but they're just generic reproductions that look nothing like the originals. +1 that it'd be great to have some of the well known fields historically represented. This request has been made in the past and IIRC Winder indicated it could be done. Would be done is a different matter.

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Is Boiry St. Martin represented in OFF? I seem to remember that Flying Corps Gold, (the Rowan WWI sim from the late 90's,) had you flying out of there in your training flights. It was also in The Western Front Patch for Redbaron3D. It would also be cool if OFF3 has St. Eloi, Bellevie and Villers Bretonneaux, as airfields.

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Given that we have many 100s of airfields in the sim world at any one time, it's not possible to have every single airfield using unique 3D Models, airfields, buildings and textures all at the same time, or your PC would likely explode but yes we can do SOME unique airfields - it is possible. It is a sim after all and some things have to be reused to save memory etc - and our sanity.


We have finite time and people so we are doing our best to make it as good as possible. Other "small" teams have several dozen people and find it tough, so you can imagine how we feel being ooo 8 people mostly part time. We would like to add them but not sure if any would make P4 we shall see.



Yes Lewie those airfields are in there as are many 100s of other real places. WM and Shred would know which are more like the real ones but mostly they will be generic airfields but they do exist and are "owned" by the right side at the right times in the war. There is a collosal amount of research in OFF by Shred and all the guys that most people never even notice but it's there :)




"Luxury! We used to have to get out of the lake at six o'clock in the morning, clean the lake, eat a handful of 'ot gravel, work twenty hour day at mill for tuppence a month, come home, and Dad would thrash us to sleep with a broken bottle, if we were lucky!"

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Is Boiry St. Martin represented in OFF? I seem to remember that Flying Corps Gold, (the Rowan WWI sim from the late 90's,) had you flying out of there in your training flights. It was also in The Western Front Patch for Redbaron3D. It would also be cool if OFF3 has St. Eloi, Bellevie and Villers Bretonneaux, as airfields.


To the best of my knowledge, Lewie, the aerodromes you mention are all there. Shredward has done a huge amount of research to place as many WW1 aerodromes as accurately as the limitations of the CFS3 geography will allow... and I'm sure it will only be bettered in P4.

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Well I'm pretty excited about OFF in this regard. Boiry always seemed to be a hot spot of activity in RedBaron3D, as the Flying Circus used to target it frequently for airfield raids in the Bloody April, and because the Arras area seemed to be a favorite point for the AI to send German bombing flights over. You could rack up a bit of a score just by doing frequent CAP's over Arras.

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There is a collosal amount of research in OFF by Shred and all the guys that most people never even notice but it's there :)

Be assured, Pol and Shred - if there is any sim community being able to sense all that detail, then it must be ours.

I discover new bits again and again, and I know, that it must have been a long journey of collecting the knowledge and books,

to get it all right. We can, of course, never fully understand, how much work it really was and is - you can only understand that,

after you have done it yourself.

So please forgive us, when we are standing around you like demanding, hungry children, after your hard day at the treadmill. :grin:


"Luxury! We used to have to get out of the lake at six o'clock in the morning, clean the lake, eat a handful of 'ot gravel, work twenty

hour day at mill for tuppence a month, come home, and Dad would thrash us to sleep with a broken bottle, if we were lucky!"

Sounds like the days of my youth - and maybe Bullethead's. :rofl:

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Have someone expendable - yes, you will do, von Keltsch - fly over Bertangles this afternoon at 17 Uhr Berlin time,

and see if the Lords have tables with white tablecloths and silverware laid out on the lawn in front of the Chateau

at Bertangles. If they do, perhaps we will drop in another day. vR

Ah - nice to see, that you seem to read some of our combat reports, Shredder!

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Indeed Olham it's great when people spot gems :)

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