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OT - IL2 giveaway

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I was given IL2 1946 awhile back and I'm giving away my original versions of

IL2 Forgotten Battles, Ace Expansion Pack, and Pacific Fighters.


Before I get rid of them I thought I'd offer them to you guys free of charge.

Anyone interested?

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You're a nice chap, tranquillo, and if I hadn't got IL-2 1946 a long time ago, I'd cry: "Here, please!"

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I'd love to own them...however I don't think they have widescreen support so they will look bad on my 19 inch 16:10....I did have them all once only to loose them in a move....


I'm sure you will find them a good home....

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I'd love to own them...however I don't think they have widescreen support so they will look bad on my 19 inch 16:10....I did have them all once only to loose them in a move....


I'm sure you will find them a good home....


Wodin, IL2 can run with the resolution you want simply editing the config file; i fly my IL2 1946 on my 16:10 LCD at 1680x1050 without problems.

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Very kind offer..and Like Olham, I'd happily take them off your hands, but for my 1946 DVD

Hope they find a good home

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A very kind offer indeed. If it wasn't for OFF:BH&H, WoP, RoF, Oblivion and my latest addiction - the MMO Rift, I'd probably take you up on it. However as it stands I don't have enough hours in the day to play what I have, so I must decline. 1st rate offer though. Thanks.



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What wealth we are wallowing in - see all these refusals... :grin:

Edited by Olham

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What wealth we are wallowing in - see all these refusals... :grin:


My thoughts exactly! I'd take you up on the offer too, but alas, I also have 1946...


You are a kind soul for offering to give them away for free. Cheers! drinks.gif

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Thats pretty funny because I have bought 2 of every IL2 release from day one, and can't give them away either.


If I like the flight sim I always buy 2. Ticks me off if one copy gets ruined and no longer available, so I always buy 2.

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Same here..would have taken you up on your generous offer, except that I had purchased IL2 1946 about a month ago...based on a recommendation from one of our OFF forum members..think it was Widowmaker actually.

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