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OT: Fallout 3 - Game of the Year Edition

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Many of you may have played FALLOUT 3 already; I only bought it now.

In Germany, we have the stupid tradition to censor all violence in games.

So, blood is not allowed to flow after a shotgun wound, brains not to be splashed against walls etc.

Our unholy heritage from the Nazi time, I suppose.


But now I found me the "Game of the Year" edition from Austria (they don't have that

censorship, athough Hitler had taken them "back home to the Reich", so they also

had lots of Nazis).

But - nevermind - this Edition contains these add-ons:


- Operation: Anchorage

- The Pitt

- Broken Steel

-Point Lookout

- Mothership Zeta


All that for 29,- Euro. Sometimes, god is with those who can wait.

But now I can't wait any longer - where's the disk? ...

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That whole censorship business in Germany is one of the stupidest things in existence. I have always wondered whether the politicians who have created such a system are unable to realize they are actually imitating the behaviour of the Nazis by such eager censorship? "Protecting" the people from "harmful influences" is something that those ogres were really good at!


Anyway, have fun with the game. It's a good one.:drinks:

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I love the Fallout games. I can easily see myself living in the Fallout world :cool: . You'll certainly enjoy this.


Fallout 3 has a different flavor than the other titles in the franchise, because 1) it's set on the East Coast and 2) it was written by a different group of developers. The previous FO titles and the current New Vegas game were all done by the same writers and together lay out a long storyline of the West Coast recovering from the nuclear war, with each game like a generation later in time than the previous.


The other games are mostly set in large wilderness areas with scattered points of civilization, which by New Vegas is fairly well-established. FO3 is set in 1 huge, ruined city. The other games have a more light-hearted feel but FO3 is definitely extremely twisted. In FONV, for example, you can walk all day without seeing anything out of one of the "Saw" movies, but in FO3 such sights are around nearly every corner.


I like FO3 better than FONV in most respects. My main gripe with FO3 is that you can't join the Enclave , but that's OK because you can pretend to :grin:

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I'm thoroughly enjoying FO3...super game!,,,best one of all

Edited by UK_Widowmaker

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If you guys like this kind of game - did you play STALKER ?

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If you guys like this kind of game - did you play STALKER ?


Yes, but I didn't like it much sadly

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Did you go far enough? It starts with shabby bandits and cheap, broken weapons, but it gets better and better.

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Seems strange to ban those things, I mean they didn't have computer games back in WW2 Olham :)


FO3 super game - although I wasn't enjoying until I realised it had the VATS assit aiming :hunter: . One of those games that gets better when you get deeper in.

FONV is good but has a few more story and graphic glitches for me, also armour seems less "cool" so far but hey ho.

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Stalker 1 & 2 was great.



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This seems a great offer Olham! Since I'm also interested at Fallout 3 but also affected by this censorship, would you mind sharing where you got that offer? If this is better than Stalker then it's surely fun!

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Daft censorship you guys have in Germany...where you cant even view certain youtube clips

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Did you go far enough? It starts with shabby bandits and cheap, broken weapons, but it gets better and better.


To be honest..Not really.


Games like this, are a bit like reading a book I guess.....If I'm not drawn in by chapter 2...it just doesn't happen for me.


I might try again sometime though :good:

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i wanted to use my 1000. post for something better, but now it's getting ridiculous.

first of all, germany has NO such censorship and is one of the most liberal, too much liberal countries in the world. you'll see any kind of scum here because of that. unemployed people hardly have the need to work at all because the country is paying their apartments, food, tv etc. it's a paradise. so please don't get the impression germany is a strange country and has some kind of weird censorship or whatever. it's not north korea or china. it's the opposite. you'll see news and reports about events many other countries, including usa etc. would prevent to show to hide the truth.

of course some things are ridiculous, like cencoring blood in ego shooters, or cutting the most violent scenes out of horrormovies. seeing splatter is the reason why i watch splattermovies in the first place, not because the story is good. but anyway. also it has nothing to do with nazi regime. it's rather to prevent those loser youths to think it's cool to shoot at people and to prevent them mixing up real life and games. it's to prevent human failures to go into schools running amok etc. it might be senseless, but that's the idea behind it.


reason why some clips are not showed in youtube is simply a copyright issue and argument between german youtube and sony and some others. no censorship. sony wants money if there are clips of their songs. youtube does not want to pay money for something people load up there. so youtube decided not to show any of the clips and songs which are under ownership of sony until there is a court decision. that's all.

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you have done well on ur 1000 post.



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Pol, there were no computers in WW2, but undoubtedly very cruel violence.

That's what they are trying to ban here - as if that could make better people.


Yes, Morris, STALKER has a very own believeable and quite morbid atmosphere.

I liked it a lot. Thank you for the link - will try that!

itifonhom, ask at your local shops for the Austrian "Game of the Year" Edition.

Not sure yet, if it is better than STALKER - it seems to be different.

STALKER did look more realistic to me, but then it's all about taste.


Yeah, Widowmaker, Big Sister is watching us (with a face like a bull terrier).

She had a serious speech about copyrights. Only when our Verteidigungsminister,

Karl Theodor zu Guttenberg, had copied most of his Doctorate, that seemed to be

a different matter. Tch!


You're right, Creaghorn - our "öffentlich-rechtliche TV news" and the journalism here

in Germany must be outstanding free, and I wouldn't want to miss that.

As for YouTube - do you think YouTube America is someting different than YouTube

Germany? Do you really believe, all those other countries have own YouTubes,

which orderly pay copyright money to SONY or BMG - only German YouTube doesn't?

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I don't think that journalism is all that free in Germany! Surely is a lot better than North Korea and the U.S. but lots of things are silenced here too, specially when it comes on German money, recent examples the Deutsche Bank involvement at the US crisis or the Siemens involvement at Greece's affairs. Of course, if someone already knew, could make something between the lines but almost nothing ever really said. I don't want to say here that Germany is better or worse than anyone else, I just say that it's not that good either. It's the same "we are better than everyone" attitude as in every other country of the world.

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I remember Sky Movies was it? had this advert which showed some movie film hanging on a line, with a deep voice saying "somewhere,.... a crime is being commited". At that point a big pair of shears snipped the films in two. I was never sure whether this was intended to stick two fingers up to ad breaks or BBC censorship, probably both. (Sky movies didn't have ad breaks or censorship).


I hate censorship, unless its to stop kids seeing stuff they shouldn't, but it's more because of who does the censoring than the censorship itself. I'll be damned if the same people who consider the daily barrage of soap operas as fit entertainment for my viewing pleasure should be considered in any way fit to judge what I may or may not watch on TV.


The antithesis of censorship is piracy, and with the internet at it's disposal, my money is on the pirates, but only for now. It's a ying yang thing.



I like Fallout 3, very much, and I think it's better than New Vegas, mostly because I'm a BoS kid at heart. I like the wilderness and madness better too. Having said that F3 was always going to be a tough act to follow, but I found myself not really liking anybody. I won't spoil it for anybody, but when I came across a BoS bunker I couldn't get into without a key, I knew my friends were out there..... Like I said, I won't spoil it.





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I think I am going to try this Fallout 3, at least as soon as I will reinstall my rig to my new home and get online. After that, I think I'm going to get me Shogun Total War 2 and IL 2: Cliffs of Dover and then Fallout 3 comes in! Thanks Olham for the tip, I'll try to find it ASAP.

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Is "Cliffs of Dover" out already?


I made my first steps outside the Vault, and killed several Raiders.

Not sure, if I should have tried to talk to them. They shot at me, so I killed them.

Wasn't easy with a pistol, but now I have a gun!

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Censoring video games that are meant for adults is stupid beyond belief. It doesn't matter where it's done, Germany or elsewhere, it's just ridiculously stupid. I understand the need to keep extremely violent stuff out of the reach of children, but even then the responsibility should be mostly with the parents, not some state-owned censorship office or anything. But to censor video games that are meant for adults? Stupid, and shouldn't be done in a free society. Germany is not alone with that crap. Every country has idiots in power who think they know better than everybody else and should be allowed to determine which is acceptable and which is not, ie. to protect the people from themselves. Dictatorships are naturally best at such control and manipulation. And of course I'm not comparing Germany to North Korea or Libya, I'm just saying that such censorship is stupid, no matter where it exists.


Anyway, back to Fallout. You guys should give a try to the numerous mods that have been developed for it. They can really improve the experience. Take a look at this article, it lists some of the best ones: http://www.pcgamer.com/2010/10/13/10-essential-fallout-3-mods/

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I think JustFlight is going to release Cliffs of Dover at 31 of March as a download, not sure for a boxed version.

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Thank you both, iti and Hasse Wind.

But I'm not sure if I will be happy with FALLOUT 3.

My Austrian edition keeps crashing totally. I got me a patch, but still it happens.

It could me my rig, which is faul somehow (memory?), but I'll only know in May,

when I have the new rig ready.

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Maybe it's just too Austrian for a German rig! :-)

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