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Changing jet sounds

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I downloaded Jet sounds. Im having problems with the engines. For the F-14










GearsSound=Gear this is the original


and the read me says To install these sounds put the .wav files to the sounds folder.

Then open the aircraft data.ini and go to this line:



EngineSoundName=JetEngine --------------->Change here the sound name of your choice

AfterburnerSoundName=JetBurner ---------->And here the Afterburner sound....






I did what it said an nothing not the same sound that i put its silent any help plz thanks?

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Are you getting any sound or no sound at all?:dntknw:



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The two most common problems when replacing engine sounds are these:


1. You made a mistake when you replaced it on the aircraft xxx_DATA.ini, make sure it matches the wav file exactly. For instance, if the sound is "F14.wav" the line must be "EngineSoundName=F14".


2. The wav is in stereo, if thats the case you must resample it to mono (Audacity is a free opensource program that makes such a thing very easy).

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