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Some sounds don't work

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Well, some aircraft engine sounds won't work, not sure why. The JetEngine sound, and Proploop 3 being among them. I looked through the forum for an answer but was unlucky in doing so. Any suggestions, I'll take.


Thanks Alot

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Have you replaced them? If you did, make sure they are not in stereo.

Have you being tinkering with the SOUNDLIST.ini file? If you did make sure you didnt screwed the numerical secuence (I did once, it took me a while to realize that was the problem).

Are you sure the _DATA.ini file for each plane is correctly pointing at those files for the engine sound?


EDIT: Oh, oops, this is the SF2 forum...not sure if my suggestions are valid with this one.

Edited by Jaman

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Engine sounds do not require a soundlist entry (as it already has one). Neither do afterburner, airbrake, windloop, tire touch, flap, and landing gear sounds.

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There are many sounds defined in the xxOBJECT.INI files (found in the ObjectData001.cat).


It seems, for example, that the entries in the "[baseSoundType]" section from the AIRCRAFTOBJECT.INI can be customized in the individual aircraft's data.ini file, in the "[sound]" section.

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