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1916(1) Mod

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A rare hit is still a hit.



Ironically, my first pilot was brought down in flames by AA, but got away with being made POW and escaping.

Has anyone made a successful landing in on the front lines themselves? The aircraft really landed quite nicely and was slowing down when it piled up. I didn't think it hit a tree stump, but I wondered if landing on that terrain type would automatically result in a crash?

Edited by Wayfarer

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Not automatically, but there are many stumps and posts, and many wires drawn between them.

I only once found a patch were the landing worked well for me, more in the center of the mud.

So I climbed out okay - but was caught POW; with no escape.

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Even Shrapnel rounds can get you, though much less damaging than HE. The thing to remember is that flak is still just as accurate as it was before, but damage can accumulate over two or more near-misses instead of knocking you out immediately (although a direct hit by a single shell will still do that, both Shrapnel & HE). Any funny noises from the engine, and it is time to go home :)



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1916(1) will have the same flak files as 1915, but the missions are changed to bring back flight-strength patrols (particularly for the Allies, as in January 1916 Trenchard ordered that all recon. flights across the lines should be escorted by scouts or other machines of the same type).


Bletchley, I am running this mod for a British 'bomber' pilot in 2 RFC, in Flanders. I am in early March and have it on 'Quiet Sector'. All the missions are still 'Lone Wolf' missions, even when running through optional flights, although many have escorts from other squadrons.

Does that sound right, or have I mucked up the mod somehow?

I only fly about one mission a week, in game time. I don't know if that has any effect?

Edited by Wayfarer

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Hello Wayfarer :)


Flight-strength missions start to appear in 1916(1) for RFC 2-seater pilots - but only for missions that take them across the lines and into enemy airspace (the long reconaisance and bombing missions). Missions over the lines (Photorecon. and art.obs.) are still being flown by individual a/c although, as you say, you may sometimes be asigned an escort - but these 'escorts' are rarely there, unless you follow the strange 'lone wolf' waypoints. As you are over the lines, photographing the trenches or registering artillery batteries, it is assumed that you can escape back behind your lines if trouble appears (keep a sharp lookout!), as the RFC can still only afford the flight-strength protection for the more vulnerable long recon. and bombing tasks :)



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Hello Wayfarer :)


Flight-strength missions start to appear in 1916(1) for RFC 2-seater pilots - but only for missions that take them across the lines and into enemy airspace (the long reconaisance and bombing missions). Missions over the lines (Photorecon. and art.obs.) are still being flown by individual a/c although, as you say, you may sometimes be asigned an escort - but these 'escorts' are rarely there, unless you follow the strange 'lone wolf' waypoints. As you are over the lines, photographing the trenches or registering artillery batteries, it is assumed that you can escape back behind your lines if trouble appears (keep a sharp lookout!), as the RFC can still only afford the flight-strength protection for the more vulnerable long recon. and bombing tasks :)




I should have added there, that the Photorecon. and Art.obs. missions are the most frequent ones in this time period in 'Quiet' sectors - the long recon. and bombimg missions will appear less often. The date-mods tweak the chances of certain common mission types being generated, with the more common ones being generated more often. This is a change from the 'stock' OFF mission set, where all mission types have, on average, the same likelihood of being generated each time a new mission is made by the OFF Manager. Running through the optional missions, once a mission type has been generated, simply changes some of the parameters of that mission type (e,g. target location, or the provision of an escort) but does not change the mission type itself - to change the mission type you have to either start and then exit the mission, or click back to the main campaign screen and manually move time on by one notch (although this does not guarantee a new mission type, as the next mission will then be randomly chosen from those available, with the 'randomness' being weighted in the same way - which may mean that just the same mission type will then be generated again!). The frequency of flight (four times a day, or just once a week) should make no difference. Hope that helps. Keep flying, and a flight-strength long recon. or bombing mission should eventually come up :)



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Thanks Bletchley. That makes sense now. I was beginning to worry that I had sabotaged something. I am going to have to start beating earlier retreats, I think, before that nasty clanking sound starts that signifies bullets in the engine!

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I'm flying a Fee in early 1916 and it's very exciting with this mod active. :drinks:

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