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I was wondering if anyone has read the Osprey book entitled Jasta 18 ? And what they thought of it ?

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It's great. Anything by Greg VanWyngarden is worth thrice what you pay for it.

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He's such a gentleman too, and wise like you wouldn't believe. Been talking to him over on the Aerodrome. Buy his book. BUY IT! grin.gif

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By the way, for those of you here who may not be aware of it, we have our own gentleman WWI aviation history author commenting in the forums often, and in this very thread as a matter of fact. Jim Miller's work, "Manfred von Richthofen: The Aircraft, Myths and Accomplishments of The Red Baron", was released about a year-and-a-half ago, and from what I have read and seen it is a very concise, well-documented, and well-illustrated study of the German "Ace of Aces". It is once again available in the U.S. at RZM for the paltry sum of $29.99:


"MvR" by JFM


For those of you in the UK and Europe, you can find it at the Aviation Bookstore:


"MvR" by JFM, UK


While I don't currently own a copy of this fine work, I did have a chance to peruse it some time back, and I have it on my list of books to add to my personal library.


A big tip of the hat to you Jim on a job well done.





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Well, I got the book, and I must say, it gives you a very good time table about MvR's development.

It is much tighter than some of the well-known books, but despite that, it gives you many very good

photos (some of which I had never seen before), very interesting percentage-, comparing and break-

down charts, and profiles of all aircraft MvR had flown (graphics and texts) - including the craft for his

personal transport - the rare, red Albatros C.IX.

At the end, Jim presents three well researched and founded chapters about often quoted and repeated

statements or conclusions, about MvR's abilities as a pilot (it was said, his piloting abilities were not so

very good); about him being a "bloodthirsty killer", and about "Rivalry and Competition".

JFM was able to shine new lights on these cut and dried oppinions of earlier researchers - with some

very interesting outcomes.


I also read Peter Kilduff's famous book "The Red Baron - Beyond the Legend", which I definitely recommend.

But IMHO, Jim's book offers a better first introduction into the carreer, the way of Manfred von Richthofen.

It follows his carreer neatly - including his time as an observer at the Eastern front, and his time on the

Roland C.II "Walfisch" two-seater. So I would recommend to read this first, before "diving into more details".

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