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Where is Duce Lewis?

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He hasn't been on since last July!...hope he's ok

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Yeah, several "old and well known faces" have disappeared at the horizon somehow.

I wish you all the best too, Duce - whereever you are.

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Hoping the guys will be back for P4

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I really would like to know. he was having some health problems.

I've been thinking about writing to him. I've his address.

This is just a forum. Sometimes I get lost with the bounds of what is acceptable and not.

Do you think it would be intrusive of me, to write him? Please tell me what you think.

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I really would like to know. he was having some health problems.

I've been thinking about writing to him. I've his address.

This is just a forum. Sometimes I get lost with the bounds of what is acceptable and not.

Do you think it would be intrusive of me, to write him? Please tell me what you think.


I think it would be nice to do so Paulo..I'm sure he would appreciate it

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Even if I was very ill, I would be happy to be remembered by some forum members.

And if he gave you his address, I'm sure you can write to him.

Please send him my best wishes for his health, and for his family, if you should write, von Paulus.

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And from me Paulo please?


thanks m8

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Yeah, several "old and well known faces" have disappeared at the horizon somehow.

I wish you all the best too, Duce - whereever you are.


I wish Duce all the best as well.


It's not that suprising that we don't see as many posts from some of the other, long established, members of this forum. BH&H and HitR have been out and fully patched up for awhile now. With no new patches on the horizon and P4 understandably kept under closely guarded secret except for a few beautiful screenies the Devs released, the main topics to discuss are generally about:


1. Reports from the Front

2. Screenshots or videos

3. DiD campaign questions or stories

4. The occassional technical issue

5. User mods


So this is the calm before the storm. I think when P4 comes out, or at the very least when we start to see preview videos and perhaps a list of the new features that the wizards of OBD have in store for us, things will heat up fairly quickly and many dormant voices will be heard again. In the meantime, folks head off to do other things while they wait for new information to start being posted again here by the Devs. It's just human nature.


I know I'm spending more time playing Rift (awesome new fantasy MMO!) and messing around with other flight sims, but I still fly OFF too. In fact Lt. Todd Spaulding of RNAS1 just got shot down last night by the remaining pair of german two seaters after he took out the lead plane. He died for God and country!



Edited by Hellshade

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