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new mission ideas,previous world events 10 years or so..

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hello all

well since I got WOV/WOE and some mods/maps I have not played any other game for a few months now,next step is to try online WOV/WOE - that would be kool with teamspeak or other voice chat -typing and flying do not work!-


to the point,

I know nothing on making maps,

but with recent events (last 10 years or so??) could provide a oppurtunity for some map that has simalar but not EXACT world events (idea not to upset some) but missions that would be well....challenging such as eyes on overflight monitoring and target engagement over hostile/disputed area or armed recon,pre-emptive,use of force as deterent,pre-cold war stuff,

north korea/china would be interesting,libya's line of death or somolia and pirate's or even recon for SAR in areas...anyone remember the aircraft that had a super missile that locked onto a object in orbit and was able to take it out..that would be a heck of a intercept mission...

or make missions with current maps but with extreme difficulty and objective,I can come up with 20 or so senarios off the top of my head that can be used in current maps.


I am going to read up on some of the map making and since computer upgrade of drive and storage,well I can do more stuff on computer.


I know a cumputer guru who does map making,mebbie I can get him to get in on WOV/WOE for map making,kinda like pulling teeth,so not sure.


so anyway I know this is a broad question for mapmaking,kinda getting burned out on current missions so time to download more stuff...






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AFAIK, FastCargo made a Satellite Interception mod, back in Gen1 Days, with F-15, ASAT and everything.

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terrain building/targetizations (read: ACCURATE targetization) is probably the most difficult thing to do in these series.

I should know .... just look in the terrains d/l section for my name


There are buttloads of maps already available (and adaptable) for both modern and post-modern usage, and lot more that should/need to be done. But the lead times are tremendous -- a good, accurate map can take literally months and months and months to do (well, in some cases longer... the new Korea map for KAW has been worked and reworked several times over the last 3 years, and it still ain't released)


Learning the TE is akin to learning 3dMax ... but MAX is much more user friendly, and has features that actually work.



kevin stein

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