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Any WW2 campaigns for SF2?

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Seen and have used a few back in the day with SF1 but have not seen any for the SF2 series.I don't have the addon for WOI that adds the 1956 stuff or the expansion pack so I can't play those.Would be nice to see a WW2 campaign mod or even a Korean War campaign. :good:

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Would be nice to see a WW2 campaign mod or even a Korean War campaign. :good:


Well, I know that a Korean War mod is being worked on.


See screenshots here



It'll be ready when it's ready.


I'm really looking forward to this one. It looks very, very good. :yes:

Edited by davokingy

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For WW2 SF2, we need a good set of SF2 level FMs for prop birds. Obviously we have a stock Spit and Mustang now, and there is a 109G mod available, but I think that's about it.


Give me an SF2 Spit, Hurri, 109, Stuka and a couple of German medium bombers and I'm all over BoB for SF2 :grin:

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Guest Pfunk

Then the man you need to chat with is Kevin "Wrench" Stein. He is the presiding expert on anything in the Gen 1 or Gen 2 games with a fan on the front end of it. I'm not blowing smoke up his butt, I'm serious. The man has forgotten more than I ever learned about prop jobs in this sim.


If there is not a WW2 mod out yet, there is one in the works and I'll give you fifty cents that it's him running the show...or at least making the terrain...

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Thanks Chuck!


Seriously, converting the existing terrains (with perhaps the exception of the EAW Euro one) is a next to nothing job; just 30 second edit of the data ini.


It's the flight models we need... (I'm not all that particular with the externals ... "a good coat of paint hides a multitude of sins")



kevin stein

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Rgr that, Pfunk. Kevin is "The Man" for WW2 stuff round here.


OK, here's a suggestion, based on available SF2 assets:


Jane's WW2 Fighters for SF2. We have the stock Mustang and Stock spit, with some great Mk 9 skins by ndicki. We have ndicki's 109G10 mod of MontyCZ's Avia 199.


It shouldn't be too difficult for Wrench & I to knock up a simple Ardennes terrain between us.


Spinners can do us a Luftwaffe skin for the stock Meteor as an Me-262 stand-in.


What we are missing are some low-poly SF2 German medium bombers (Ju-88, He-111, Do17) to fill the sky with frame-rate friendly targets. Fancy it, Veltro? They don't need to be detailed, low-poly is better - just ask the CoD guys how their new BoB game is going ;-)


And perhaps some friendly FM guy out there could take a look at wolf's P-38, P-47 and FW-190?


Battle of the Bulge, here we come :good:

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could even use the stock Germany map, as it covers that region. With Stary's tiles ... hmm...have to eliminate the skyscrapers in the cities with stock TODs (or, just use stock tiles with some of stary TODs for forests...hmmmmm) .....rebuild the targets and types inis (types is the easiest). Good thing most of the names haven't changed since 1945.

And with my 'expanded world tweek', airfields in S/E England are also possible. Well, one or 2 at least


rearrange the airfields to a more WW2 look...those already exist in my other ww2 terrains (read: dirt textured stock runways)


yea, it's doable



kevin stein

Edited by Wrench

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Even better, if stock terrain can be used, that saves a ton of work.


I'll start researching OOBs for campaign.


Cheers all :drinks:

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can i help?


If you want to, that would be excellent :good:


The 3d models and FMs are the basic requirements - everything else depends on those. As you will know, I have built a few SFP1/WoX WW2 campaigns - if the planeset is there, the campaigns will follow. So, if you can help with adding to the available SF2 level planeset, that would be great.


It is really a question of what 3d guys like you want to build - the rest of us just follow.


Whatever you want to build, we will use :salute:


Cheers mate,


Baltika :drinks:

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i work best if i know the most wanted :lol: know it seems that we need low poly bombers for Germany right let check watt i can do!

later guys

Edited by cocas

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i one thing to know watt versions of the bombers are need

Ju-88A qnd or C?



im pretty much sure on these last two but im not sure on the 88.

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So are we looking at a planeset for BOB or the Ardennes?


If BOB, it looks like a Hurrincane Mk I is needed. I know where a Hurricane can be found but wouldn't DAT models be off limits?


If Ardennes, I already have Wolf's P-38, P-47, and FW-190. I could get crackin' on those now.


Lastly, it seems like SF2:E will be the sim of choice, yes? I only have SF2 Vietnam and Israel, but that shouldn't be an issue for developing FMs I guess, right?

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no problem in that respect; the core files are the same. but for the end product, the GermnayCE will be needed (btw, you CAN import the WoE terrain with no problems ... youjust need to extract the _data ini, and make the shader adjustments)



kevin stein

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one mustn't forget Gepard's BoB Terrain as well ... as I did!!



kevin stein

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So am I correct in assuming DAT models are off limits?

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Guest Pfunk

I'm up for helping out with a Adriatic Sea regional terrain for a World War II scenario.

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similiar to this, maybe (although Italy IS missing!) From the NorthAfrica rebuild (so the invasion of Greece, retreat to Crete and invasion of Crete can be recreated)


Yes, FULL DAT aircraft cannot be included (everything but the LOD is OK. Folks will have to get those themselves). Which not only cuts down on RAF and LW, it hoses the RA as well. Until new stuff arrives



kevin stein


edit: if new airfields are needed (Kalamata and/or Andravida -IF hisotircally correct-) shouldn't be too hard to add them as new Axis bases

Edited by Wrench

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Hi there,


Could Wrench, cocas, ShrikeHawk and Pfunk check PMs please?





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