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expanding the terrains and stock terrains

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Wrench has posted that you can adjust the terrain size thru a flightengine ini edit. however has anyone taken a look at how this affects the stock terrians? will bases in england and norway be possible now in GermanyCE (after some heavy additions im sure)? or the isreali strike into tunisia? or is this development still too far in its infancy to be certain what to do with it?

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Got tested on the STOCK maps first! (well, not exactly ... Korea got tested first to see if I could reach Nagasaki. Yes, you can, but there's nothing there but a watertower placeholding, then Germany)


It only expands the usable border; it changes nothign in the stock maps (or 3rdparty for that matter. Anyting below -for saftey- 20 causes CTD (I actually tested down to 5!! Boy howdy did it crash, with a large wet THUD!)


if a region isn't on the map (like Tunisia on the IME map) you cant get there. It actaully works BETTER on the IME map, with the our 56 war expansion, as it allows more sea room (well, "air room") around Phaphos and Akrotri.


Helps the Canary Island map, which is reeeeeeeeelllllllllllly small!



kevin stein

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daddyairplanes, this setting changes virtually nothing on the map, it's mesh or settings, it just globally tells the engine when to do "beware! here be dragons!" on all planes, be it player-controlled or AI, which results in famous out-of-cockpit experience

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it's not not MS or CFS, where the whole world actually is there, just with no man-made structures. It just kicks back The Wall a few KMs



kevin stein

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OT: reminds me when in CFS 1 (before I got myself Voodoo 1 graphics accelerator, some here must remember those) I had to set starting position somewhere near north pole to have fluid dogfights using software rendering... these were the days :grin:


SF2 with actual world modelled as geosphere? That would be... lots of places to tile and target :rofl:

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ok appreciate the responses guys. when i was reading the KB (yes and i read the article in Playboy too!:grin: ) got to wondering if this could allow the same map to have all the AFCent and AFNorth action goin on in one map.

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