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Hi all


I have been trying unsuccessfully to get my weapons to follow my wing on the stock A-1 Skyraider during the wing fold.

I have tried messing with various ini entries like MovingPylon=TRUE) & (AttachedNodeName) but nothing seems to work.


I have tried searching the knowledge base but found nothing.

Can this be done?

Any ideas or a pointer to some instructions would be much appreciated.





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you tried to edit this too? RotatingPylon=TRUE


maybe works (maybe)

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I have tried both the MovingPylon & RotatingPylon set to True.

Also tried adding AttachedNodeName for both the pylon & Outer_Wing nodes.


Fried my brain trying to get this to work the last few days.


Hoping someone out there has the answers.



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i'll let it to the masters of .ini rofl.gif


good luck

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I take it you haven't seen my A-1H & J upgrade paks for the stock Skyraiders??


From the readme:


Ini edits include some enhanced AI statements, corrected ammo counts, fuel quantity, on-board countermeasures (chaff and flares for Vietnam era usage) the addition of the running/formation lights on the tail, a landing light, and a working canopy (use Shift/0 to open and close). Wingfold is NOT activated, due to odd movement and placement issues with the outer wing stores locations. At some point in the future, I'll try and get them dailed in properlly, so the wingfold will work and the weapons follow the wing.


I know WHAT to do, and HOW to do, I just don't WANT to do it!! Actaully, rethinking to what we had to do with Monty's for KAW, using BOTH the RotatingPylon and MovingPylon statement, still left the weapons behind, until we cut the plyon meshes from wing, and rebuilding the attachment point setting from scratch (and duplicating them, as well)

Don't think that TK gonna wanna spend the extra time and money for piece of eye candy like this, that truely serves no purpose



kevin stein

Edited by Wrench

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Don't think that TK gonna wanna spend the extra time and money for piece of eye candy like this, that truely serves no purpose


Agreed. :- )


The stock Skyraider excels already in the eye candy department as far as an AI model goes.


Thanks for the reply, you’ve saved me from waisting another day trying to do the impossible. lol

I’ll have a look for your A-1H & J upgrade packs this evening.





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You won't be sorry!! :grin:




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I doubt those pylons are part of the wing mesh, they should have their own mesh for each pylon.


the problem with the movement being "off" is becuast the Mesh Heirarchy/Pivot Point needs to be adjusted, which can only be done in MAX, we have a similar problem with the Original F-18A way back in the early SFP1 days (not the MF F-18A)

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Isn't that what I said above???


The way we fixed it on Monty's, was seperate the pylon meshes from the wing, and reattached them. Which is why the AD/2/3/4 has weapons that move with the wings (as do the lights)


and like I said above, ain't likely to happen

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