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Graphics Settings (SOS)

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Today i've managed to install First Eagle 1 + Expansion 1. Im using windows 32-bit vista and it runs just fine, however i have a little problem tweaking my graphics settings, I've adapted Nick'n N settings for this game. And using the proper resolution for my LCD monitor which is by 1440x900. however reducing the resolution would even worsen framerate during engagement. I will give you a little idea about my Personal Computer Specs :


PC: Intel Pentium @ Core 2.5Ghz

Memory Ram: 4.00

Geforce 9500GT (1GB)


I have no problem running other flight simulations game that lags dramatically like FS, Lock On.( I have no intention to relate this to your game.) However, from my personal view this is the only game that matches the atmosphere of WWI.

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The original games are single core only - so that's 2,5Ghz PC its running on with a low end graphics card. I suspect you are using the latest patch for FE1 which would have slowed things down a fair bit - you may need to turn graphics settings down - start by turning shadows off and see how you go.


Also what are your graphics card AA/AF settings? if they are high turn them down.


If still no joy there is a HDR mod on here that should speed things up drastically with dual core and Vista - worked very well in SF1 - not sure if anyone tried it in FE1 though!

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MigBuster is correct, turning off the shadows is probably the biggest help for improved FPS in FE1.

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Agree, the FPS problem is probably shadows. The highest setting gives nice high-detail shadows which you can see move around when you are in the 'cockpit' view, as the angle of the sun changes. But it kills FPS, especially when looking in a direction where you can see your plane,s shadow on the ground, from the cockpit. The next highest shadow setting is also a big FPS hit. Set shadows to 'Medium' - you still get nice moving shadows in the external view, but the FPS hit is much less.

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