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OT Your Royal Wedding Invite name

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Only bit worth watching




Spent yesterday avoiding the wedding like the plague. Sky Sports kept spoiling it when they insisted on regularly showing Beckham and old pouty lips at the do. :heat:

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So even I got an excerpt of the Royal Wedding, which I could watch without getting stomach ache.

Thanks for posting, Davy.

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Yer welcome,

after all they are as much your royal family as they are ours! :drinks::grin:

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Maybe, "relatives" often look better from the distance? :grin:

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I went Fishing....that said, I wish them well :drinks: (he is a flyboy after all)

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Didn't watch any of it. I'm not much of a royalist myself, although I wouldn't wish them any harm, but I'm forced to admit I find it hard not to like Prince Harry.


I know, he dressed up as a nazi at a fancy dress party, and called his army oppo his little Paki mate, - a bit crass maybe, but I wasn't upset by it. Made me chuckle if I'm honest, because he didn't mean any harm. There's something about him. He came across very well during his military service. Apparently when the MOD reckoned he was too much of a target to put on the front line, all the squaddies who were on the front line started running around with "I'm Harry" T-shirts just like the Spartacus Film. He's got that illusive likeability factor, and while he might not make the best king as judged by traditional standards or etiquette decreed by the Palace, I'd bet he'd be the most popular king out the lot of them, - and by a country mile. Lets hope maturity and palace grooming doesn't spoil him.


To quote a line from the fim Dune, - "....I must admit. Against all better judgement, I like this Duke".


As for the rest? I don't know. One or two of the 'Real' blue bloods I've met are pretty sound people, completely mad and living in a different world, but still pretty sound. You can be working on their chimneys and the lady herself will come up onto the roof to bring you a cup of tea. The tea is some wierd concoction of 'proper' tea you've never even heard of, and it's going cold quick because the kitchen is a quarter mile away down some boney old staircase, and the tea itself is in some fine, antique 16thC bone china cup and saucer as thick as a sheet paper. It won't be the top drawer china I'm quite positive, but it's still undoubtedly some priceless piece of antiquity, but none of that matters to them, - because it's just a cup of tea.


Then you've got the 'would be' toffs, the ones who think they're special. They might be loaded, but often aren't, but they just haven't got the same class or pedigree. The thought of boiling the kettle would never even occur to them, and they wouldn't bring you a cup of tea if you begged for one. In fact they'd resent paying for the electricity for you to make your own cup of tea. More often than not they'd have you pee in a bottle too.


So I don't know. Maybe they're all the same these toffs, maybe not. Probably so in a herd of them, but one or two have shown courtesy to me which wasn't asked for or expected, so these days I take them as I find them. I could be cynical and say they're nicer to me the more stonework they need done. :grin:

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"Spent yesterday avoiding the wedding like the plague."


Me too. I went out leafleting in the morning before it kicked off, and then hosted a breakfast do for friends/rellies/colleagues who couldn't give a stuff about the whole shebang. By one o'clock I'd eaten too many bacon sarnies and had more than a few bottles of wheat beer and stout from a wonderful local brewery.


As for the rest of it, and the abject and pathetic fawning of the UK press; well, how sad was that. I can feel a part of my country without being told how I should feel about it: that's why I wore a T-shirt with a picture of Cromwell on it, underneath which was the legend - he was right.

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I would be:- Lord Percival Julian Portnall blink.gifblink.gifblink.gif





I was working during the royal wedding, it was all quiet on the western front while the wedding was on, but as soon as it was over - let battle commence!! all those bloo*y drunks & idiots falling over!!

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all those bloo*y drunks & idiots falling over!!

And that was just in the Houses of Parliament :grin:. Nothing new there, then.

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Wait, this would be ..


Lord Gerhard Joschi von der Weissekreuzstrasse


OMG lol (1. pet "Joschi" was a parakeet)


But when i construct a new name, by using our new pet's name, where it came from and where he (a tom-cat) went with us ..


Sir Gerhard Igor von Tierheim zu Kurfuerstendamm :grin:




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