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Besides the Mirage Factory pack what other packs work in WoV? Need a gun pod with an M134 mini-gun for an H-60 load out.

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the old Bunypak should have it. it'll need a quick run-through the 08 level WepEditor....and maybe folderization, but it should be there.


if you can't find it, let me know. Hopefully, i've still got it around someplace!



kevin stein

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I've got that pack installed to the other games but was under the impression that WoI was incompatible with it. Going to install now. I know the Navy 60's don't mount gun pods, but in HCS-5 the was a running joke that our Command Master Chief, and Honorary Ordnanceman, was going to have the AO's mount forward firing ordnance like we had in the Huey's. That seemed to make a lot of former HS pilots very nervous. Would love to do the gag in the game at least once.

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