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Had a nice suprise when I opened up work today ....Not!

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Well, I turned up at my work today to find this in the wall of the upstairs showroom.




Believe it or not we had been break in through a hole knocked through a double thickness concrete block wall.


The cheeky blighters broke into the warehouse next door (whose security isn't quite as good as ours) though a small window at the back then climbed up a ladder and knocked a hole in the wall.


They then proceeded to make off through nextdoor's fire escape with 13 new petrol rotary mowers and 9 hand held pieces of petrol powered garden machinery.


This picture is after we had cleaned up and before I screwed a metal plate over the hole. It looked like a shell had gone through the wall, rubble everywhere, they had trashed the office and made a right mess.


Of course the police turned up, took a statement and gave me a crime ref. number for my insurance claim but the chance of catching the little darlings is somewhat less than zero!


This is the third break in we've had in 3 years, 4 warehouses out of the 12 in our block have been done over in the last 2 weeks and I wouldn't class it as a rough area.


It's hard enough for a small family run business like ours to make ends meet in the current economic climate but this sort of thing makes you think

"What's the bloody point"

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CCTV m8.... Your only hope of it not happening again...little toerags

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CCTV m8.... Your only hope of it not happening again...little toerags


Possibly, but two of the other warehouses had cctv and it didn't do them much good. We are considering it but a decent set up' s a bit pricey and there's only so much cash to go round.

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Possibly, but two of the other warehouses had cctv and it didn't do them much good. We are considering it but a decent set up' s a bit pricey and there's only so much cash to go round.



If you had an iPhone or an Android, you can setup cameras through out the area and have them connected to a computer. You can then have your iPhone or Android phone connected to it via WiFi with an app that you can download and be able to monitor what's going on when you're not even there. I think you can even control the pan, tilt, and zoom of the cameras via the phone as well.

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Damn. I feel your pain. My Dad is the coach of a local kids rugby team and they recently had their changing rooms broken into to steal every inch of copper pipe in the building, aswell as the boiler.


Now the kids cant play any home games until the damage is repaired. Just shows the level some people will stoop to I guess.



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They should bring back the Stocks!


These SOB's would think twice, if they were chained up in a busy Shopping Mall for a few weekends, to be pelted with Dog Turds!

Instead of starring in their own reality TV role!!!!

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the bloody point is to make an honest living...

I can only imagine the fustration


hope they will find the people who did that and make them pay for it :good:

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