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modified tracer smoke

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This is basically only one effect -modified tracersmoke I use now in my WW2 install, it will be included in the upcoming Unified Effects Pack update as an optional file.


It's slightly different from my tracer smoke from WW2 effects pack (2007), looks more like tracer smoke you see in BOB2:WOV


extract to your Effects folder




please note that without serious modding of the bulletobject.ini file ALL guns share single effect for their smoketrails, which is ok, but if you're going for maximum visual realism , there should be several different smoketrails for different types of guns. I might try to do something about it in the future, but free time and you know, don't want to promise too much :this:

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it's a bit sparse but has no impact on framerate, I'm mostly flying Nigel's Spits now so it was tuned with the use of 8x303

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8 .303 Brownings will give you serious FPS impact if it isn't right - good thinking Stary!


By the way, AI bomber boxes with lots of guns kill my FPS dead the moment they all open fire. Any thoughts to make them less resource-intensive?

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I remember we were discussing this around Baltika's BOB mod several years ago -it's supposedly mostly related to the AI gunners "thinking" taking resources somehow -remember original jet setting isn't designed for tightly boxed bombers with several gunners each. Effects of tracers has minimal impact in the bombers case. Also the lack of multiple levels of detail for most of the 3rd party bombers add to this too

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