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Wing Vapor and Wing Turbulance

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Is their any way i can add wing vapor for the g pulling aircraft like the F-16 and also i was wondering if u can add like idk how to explain it but u know when the plane moves the wingtip kinda bounces



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1. Vapour


An example of vapour would be from the _data.ini







VortexPosition=-1.40, 1.50,0.00




2. Wing flutter?

Not sure the variables are there to do it - Even if they were you wont see the wing move - because that would need to be part of the 3D models animation.

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You need to add the vortex effect to the xxx_DATA.ini, here is an example:









This would add a vortex effect defined in the effect file called WingtipVortexEmitter to the outer left wing that will start at a 2.5G turn.


If you want to copy the F-16 effects to another plane, just find those lines and copy them over to the same section of the other plane. You may have to play with VortexPosition= to get it right.



EDIT: MigBuster beat me to it :P

Edited by Jaman

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Thats strange i added the lines in migbuster and nothing happens

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Use this from Jaman: VortexEmitterName=WingtipVortexEmitter


My example is from SF2

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