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MMOG Clans are they worth joining?

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I'm a flight sim guy; plain and simple. Started playing them when Chuck Yeager had a game out (forgot the title but then again I was a little one) then from jet fighter three classic to flanker 2.5 to SF2 and hopefully DCS-A10.


Long story short I like flight sims love 'em to death. Every once in a while I don't mind playing a shooter and recently its been BF2 I was getting kicked around the place...until I jumped in a fighter jet and then it was over flew CAP and not a single enemy bird had a chance heh heh. Pulled some maneuvers from ye olde flight manual and most either crashed into the ground trying to chase me or allowed me to line up for a kill.


I notice dudes going around with thier clan signs and I was wondering if any of you could enlighten me about clans and why I should join one once I become good enough. I checked out one and the way it looks they opperate like the real military ATF is what they call themselves. atfclan.com . I'm not very big into online stuff so I'm completely retarted when it comes to these kinds of things anyhew thanks for your time.

Edited by Skyviper

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Joining a clan makes teamwork easier, because you mostly know your teammates, and you can set up complex strategies.

But if you do so, it will be more and more time demanding. Basically, cuts away your real life.

Obviously, depends on the clan, but many tend to expel their members if they skip more than a certain numbers of events.

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