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As haver anti-ship missions in all terrains

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Hello friends


As I can make the land do not have anti-ship missions can have this kind of mission?



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Which game do you have?


Is this shipping missions in Single Missions or a Campaign?




A Terrain must have shipping locations defined in the <terrain>_movement.ini file (well it used to need these)

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A Terrain must have shipping locations defined in the <terrain>_movement.ini file (well it used to need these)


They still do! Just like truck or ground attack routes


The routes also must be defined to run between 'end points' (for lack of a better term) on the same side. (Blue to Blue, REd to Red) *GA routes must run opposite -friendly to enemy-*


Obviously, they also need an ocean or a sea to transit on. OTH, large interconnected lakes work as well too (read: US/Canada Great Lakes)


You can even limit WHICH side gets to fly them. Example: enemy forces occuping colorado/wyoming/nebraska/kansas can run A-S missions against friendly forces in michigan/illionis/wisconson (sp?)/candae, while friendly forces can't (due to lack of large water featrues)


That's set in the AllowedMissionTypes statement in the terrain's main ini (see: VietnamSEA.ini)



kevin stein

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Dear MigBuster:



I have the entire series expansions and the latest update.

With the mission editor can only be made ​​anti-ship missions in some terrains in SF2E. In others as SF2I not. I have to be modified to have anti-ship missions in all terrains?




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Dear MigBuster:



I have the entire series expansions and the latest update.

With the mission editor can only be made ​​anti-ship missions in some terrains in SF2E. In others as SF2I not. I have to be modified to have anti-ship missions in all terrains?






Which Terrains do not work?

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not to hijack but to specify one that has issues with AS missions in sf2, how about NorthCape? i can load an antiship mission but not the ships to target. i recall something about the water tiles in SF2. just not where to find them and if this will fix that specific issue. and at wrench.. why can't i run anti ship against the sand ships on the nellis ranges? :grin:

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3rd party terrain needs something called the *terrain-name*_water.bmp. There should be some in the downloads section, although I disremember where exactly.


There does, however seem to be some kind of 'glitch', as I read somwheres, about adding ships via the new mission editor.


DA -- prolly because somebody forgot to add shipping routes? It's an easy fix!!! :rofl: (see: Elric, 'The Ship That Sails Over Land and Sea)

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Thank you all for your answers.


Is solved, everything is to edit the INI file the terrain and add the line "WaterMap = XXXXXXX_Water.bmp, where XXXXXX is the name of the terrain.


Of course, the map must have the appropriate XXXXX_Water.bmp file in the folder of the terrain.



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