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Wanted: 3d Objects of an "Unusual" nature

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Those willing to create them, please contact me via PM. It's for a terrain mod (obviously!!), and will be the Greatest Easter Eggs of All Time ™. Approx 4-6 different kinds are needed for this one area (well, 2 actually....). They need not be animated or even move (although the movement may become an option, if turned into GroundObjects using existing, modificated vehicle data inis).


If available to build/skin them, you must keep it a secret, until the terrain is released. No screenies, not outside discussions, etc. One would be required to be built in a 'group' of individuals (approx 6 bodies) , similiar to the Infantry squad we have. Others would be seperate, and all thereby placeable on the terrain. Destroyed models are a plus, but not really necessary (that will become apparent when WHAT is wanted is revealed).


They must also be "scaled to fit" (meaning as close to actual, Real Life ™ size as possible). 100% accuracy in the shape in not a reqiurement -- they just need to look like what they might be.


thank you for your attention and interest.



kevin stein


gahds ... I really, really need to learn 3dMax!!! :lol:


also...if anyone has lods for construction equipment; road graders, dumptrucks, etc. all we got now is the forklift and and bulldozer. those'll look good just sitting around someplace. just a thought!


Edited by Wrench
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