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A little additional immersion for you.

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I was a little surprised that, with all the other details covered, that the day of the week is not mentioned anywhere in the campaigns screens.


Or, if it is, I am blind.


Anyway attached are 3 text files covering the main OFF war years. Tried to find something fancy but these small .txt files may end up being better anyway.


Print them out and stick them on your OFF Command Key sheet clipboard if you like or whatever.


If someone has an idea for putting them on one sheet or a different better format please do!




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Very handy tables there Duke, well done Sir. I had posted the following some time back that dealt with the same little missing bit of immersion:


OFF Calendar Topic


It honestly does change how you write your reports and log entries when you know what day of the week it actually was.






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Very handy tables there Duke, well done Sir. I had posted the following some time back that dealt with the same little missing bit of immersion:


OFF Calendar Topic


It honestly does change how you write your reports and log entries when you know what day of the week it actually was.







Ah...very nice! Thanks RAF_Louvert.

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