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Calling tower for help

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Can u call the tower to send additonal back up?

Edited by DEVIL11

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You can, but they always claim prior engagement...so tough luck sonny!:boredom:

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When you find youself in danger,

When you're threatened by a stranger,

When it looks like you will take a lickin', (puk, puk, puk)

There is someone waiting,

Who will hurry up and rescue you,

Just Call for Super Chicken! (puk, ack!)


Fred, if you're afraid you'll have to overlook it,

Besides you knew the job was dangerous when you took it (puk, ack!)


He will drink his super sauce

And throw the bad guys for a loss

And he will bring them in alive and kickin' (puk, puk, puk)

There is one thing you should learn

When there is no one else to turn to

Call for Super Chicken! (puk, puk, puk)

Call for Super Chicken! (puk, ack!)

Edited by firehawkordy

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When you find youself in danger,

When you're threatened by a stranger,

When it looks like you will take a lickin', (puk, puk, puk)

There is someone waiting,

Who will hurry up and rescue you,

Just Call for Super Chicken! (puk, ack!)


Fred, if you're afraid you'll have to overlook it,

Besides you knew the job was dangerous when you took it (puk, ack!)


He will drink his super sauce

And throw the bad guys for a loss

And he will bring them in alive and kickin' (puk, puk, puk)

There is one thing you should learn

When there is no one else to turn to

Call for Super Chicken! (puk, puk, puk)

Call for Super Chicken! (puk, ack!)

Dont get what ur sayin

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I never tried a Strike Fighters campaign, just hand made single missions.


If we could write our own campaign generators, we could generate missions that had "extra" flights coming along backing the player's flight, or the player's flight backing up earlier flights. Thus, backup would be out there when you get close enough to them in either visual range or radar range/cone (footnote*) so they engage....but we don't have a map~wide combat events record file we can read from to generate new campaign missions, like "eventlog" in IL-2/FB game, so the SF game is still effectively locked up in terms of dynamic campaign generators. There may be ways of getting around this, for example visually counting the combat losses using camera views and recording them on paper and inputing that data into the generator....what a mess that would be...


* FREE Footnote: as of SF-1 2008, long distance radar engagement only works for ALL weapon loads when the flight is "targeted" to a specific flight, either friend or enemy. I found one could setup an abstract flight at the map edge where this won't ever get destroyed, although the targeted abstract flight being destroyed could be a good way to simulate destruction or degradation of surface surveillance radar or communications, as well as setting the targeted abstract flight to appear later during a mission, or landing or setting it up to be shot down by a nearby dedicated AA for this purpose. I'm straying off course here so...but in a way it all ties together. :drinks:

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Dont get what ur sayin


It's my way of saying you have a better chance with a cartoon saving you than Red Crown sending any aid. The key phrase in the song is this one.....


you knew the job was dangerous when you took it


Happy flying!

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