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Lt. James Cater

Most Difficult Intercept...

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I was thinking about this after reading about "Old 666".



In all the times doing WOE in particular, only two aircraft ever were almost certain to get to the IP with a minimum of hassle and once there they were impossible to stop. They were the F-105 and the F-111.


In DiD i kept losing pilots in the Thud until one day a light bulb went off over my head and i adjusted tactics to the strenght of the aircraft, mainly it's tremendous straight line speed at low level. Flying from Bitburg in the 62 campaign, the goal was to get up to 18-20,000ft before reaching the river and then nursing fuel until the front was crossed. after that it was at best possible speed to the IP. The IP was the key. It was ideally 30 but a few times 35-40 miles. Once committed towards the target area, it was full throttle and unless a MIG happened to be at the right spot, there a very difficult intercept. Within 20 miles with nose down towards the target it was virtually impossible for a MIG to get you.


The egress was straight for about 20 miles and nothing on the planet at that time was going to catch a Thud at low level. Then it was back to altitude and go home.



The F-111 was a bit different. Due to it's immense range and speed at altitude, one could keep track of what's going on via radar and radio and work around the worst of it until it was time to head for the deck and go after the target. One might have to worry about SAM and AAA, but very few fighters can make an intercept once an F-111 is on the bomb run. Even the egress is another experience as it is incredibly fast down low.



Hell, as soon as i finish my current DiD, i'm going back to WOE to fly thses birds again.

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Try Nato IV with a Tornado... they are very quick on the deck only 2 issues are its lack of fuel and the fact that by the time it started to fly you start coming up against Mig-29's and Su-27's and double digit SAM's... :drinks:

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i take my clues from The Warbirds (well i do like Phantoms) when they are doing a TOT exercise against a Rapier battery. while everyone else is high and slow Locke and his wing man split the TOT (+/- 5 sec) 300ft AGL and 600kts. results were one possible hit and one def. miss. that and migs don't seem to like to play under 500 ft. just gotta lug enough gas (yes sir yes sir three bags full) to get there and back.

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Try chasing down Badgers in a F-86F -- there's a lesson in futility!

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