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F-86 Silver clean templates?

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I've got the template from SF1 but it's got the yellow USAF bands on the base layer.

Been wanting to paint a few Turkish birds for a 1960s campaign. (Specifically the F-86E(M)


Has anybody got the empty templates in hand?

Edited by PureBlue

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just a plane-jane, unmarked skin??? Get the Iranian Sabres I did a few months back. All markings are decals, but no fues/wing stripes


the templeates should be in the 1Gen templates d/l section. If not, I'll shoot you mine (which aint' stock!)




kevin stein

Edited by Wrench

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iranian Sabres all blank you say? i've got a book on USAFE aircraft from the Berlin Airlift to the arrival of the Century series including alot of fighter bomber Sabres. gots to get me a scanner........

@ pureblue dont remember where i discovered this site but it might help you out some


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and don't forget the updated avionics ini .. .has a working radar-gunsight

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Perfect. Just what I was looking for Wrench :good:

Good call on the avionics, I'm gonna have to check this and the Sidewinders and see if Turkish birds had them.


Thanks for the link daddy, there was quite a few different paintjobs for the Acrobatics teams too.

Edited by PureBlue

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Is it me or does the Fury look a lot meaner than the rinky dink Sabre ?


I know why as just finished Strike from the Sea a good book all about the attack series of Naval jets starting at the good old Spad up to the F-35... good reading all told.




Link is to the book on Amazon.co.uk

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Zur promised us a real FJ-4M one day .....


PB, if they carried winders, use the lod that's in that pak -- it has the rails. You can call it whichever mark in the main ini.

As the gunsight, ALL Sabres had radar-ranging sights (excepting maybe the D/L/K all-weather versions, as they had air intercept radars)

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