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How well does AI 'see'?

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This is a just out of interest question. I recently had a run of 'Lone Wolf' missions and have felt quite lucky in avoiding the attentions of flights of enemy aircraft. Made me think, is the AI programmed so that single machines are less likely to be 'spotted' than flights of several machines. Would anyone know?

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If you switch your Labels on, you will notice, that E/A may disappear behind veils of haze,

or in the blinding sun. As well as the Labels disappear for you under such circumstances,

you would also be invisible for the AI, if you were behind the haze, or in the sun.


That is really simulated - and that is a great point.

I have often shaken off opponents by flying into clouds, where I then perform a tight turn.

It works.

Edited by Olham

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It has been posted several times that if your "cloud" setting is "5", the AI can not see you through the clouds (like in real life).

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I'm not sure if it only works with Clouds on "5", but clouds don't seem to be

as resource-hungry as many here think; so push them to "5".


To gain performance, I recommend to reduce like this:


1. Reduce "Ground Object Densitiy" in "Workshops" to "medium" or "low".


2. Set up "Graphic Settings" in "Workshops" like this:


Aircraft: 5


Terrain Detail: 3 (looking fine on 3 - I still have it there)


Scenery Detail: 2 (seems to eat the most performance)


Effects quality: 3 - 5


Clouds quality: 5


With these settings I have been running the sim fine until my upgrade,

and everyone said my Screenshots were looking good.

All the refinements above that came from my graphic card's "Control Center";

Anti-Aliasing and Additional AA and stuff.

Edited by Olham

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Thanks. I have used clouds as cover in the past, more from instinct really. I dropped my scenery slider after a recent screen freeze, so I'll try putting the clouds up to 5.

I am just about to start OFF (many daughters out, so not on computer) and was thinking, on the way home from work, I've probably jinxed myself with this post. The next enemy patrol will probably come wailing down on me!

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"Ze enemy iss allvays vaitink for your next patrol, Herr Wayfarer! Mmuahahahahahahahahaaaaaaa!!!!!!"


Many daughters out???

Does that mean, there are still some left in the house???????

How many do you have altogether??????????????????????

Edited by Olham

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"Ze enemy iss allvays vaitink for your next patrol, Herr Wayfarer! Mmuahahahahahahahahaaaaaaa!!!!!!"


Many daughters out???

Does that mean, there are still some left in the house???????

How many do you have altogether??????????????????????


One helping at Brownie camp.

One on the way to the seaside (we wish we hadn't seen how much booze was loaded into the car).

One currently in after driving lesson.


Oh .... and one flight of Rolands evaded through clouds ... that was good advice!

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"Hope zey von't shoot me for helpink der Enemy! ..." :grin:

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"Hope zey von't shoot me for helpink der Enemy! ..." :grin:


Olham, did you just give "aid and comfort to the enemy"? :grin:



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Olham, did you just give "aid and comfort to the enemy"? :grin:



Yeah, I'm that hopeless case of a soldier - I still believe in the good in everyone else. :grin:

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Well I'm grateful, with three daughters I need to find aid and comfort somewhere ...

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