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Screen Render Problem

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Hello All,

I have been working the problem in the image below with the forums over at Thirdwire. We have run out of ideas after all the normal shots. Any insight would be welcome.





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I'm starting to wonder, if your computer isn't equipped with 2 graphic cards. Like an integrated intel chip and that geforce 540 you mentioned over at TW forums...

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multi-monitor set up activated??? :dntknw:

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I am having the same problem. and find no solution any where. wondering what is the root cause ? :(

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It was down to his laptop having dual graphics cards and the way Windows uses both GPU's but SF2 only rendered with one with his setup. Of the people that have posted with this issue before, some cured it by updating all their graphics and CPU drivers but for others the only way around it is via the graphics card driver settings where you have to disable SLI/X-fire (depending on GPU maker).

Edited by ianh755

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