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Ice Man

P-40E Flying Tigers skins

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Someone can create the skins about the Flying Tigers which can be used for P-40E plane,thank you!



Ice Man


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Need to check your historical facts ... the AVG never used E model Warhawks. Perhaps you're thinking of the 23rd FG?? After August 1942??


questions like these( ie: for the P-43 CNAF skin) should best be posted at the site that OWNS the aircraft models.


btw: the template for the DATs Warhawk exists at simmerspaintshop ... with all the bits you need. Perhaps it's time to start learning how skin?

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Or just look in the appropriate download section here at combatace:-




Historical Tomahawk skins for the Flying Tigers by yours truly, based on Wrench's templates, with some P-40E skins by starfighters on page 2.



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