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2 more abreveations I'm not sure about.

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Sorry Guys, I should have asked this in my last post but I didn't notice them but after these two I should be sorted.


What do NWS/AR and BNDT mean?


Sorry for being a nuisance.



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Guest BeachAV8R

NWS - Nose Wheel Steering?

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NWS/AR is a set of indexer lamps that are used during in-flight refueling. The panel should have three lamps, marked RDY, AR/NWS, and DISC.


Only thing that comes to mind regarding "BNDT". is that it may be an abreviation for "Bandit"...is the lamp located near the radar display?

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Sorry, I wasn't very specific about there placement. See picture below.




I think the NWS/AR is to do with in-flight refuelling and the BNDT has some sort of range counter. It may have something to do with distance to target or way-point.

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Fast Cargo would be the man to ask about that one...

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Um.. which way is the translation going here?

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These are still in English, I haven't translated them to Russian yet.


I'm sure some of the other ones I have translated are probably wrong as I've been using Google translate and stuff that I've found in other Russian cockpit, apart from that I have no knowledge of Russian.:dntknw:


Any one with any corrections please chip in so I can make changes.

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Google generally has no clue about special terms.

Try this one http://multitran.ru/c/m.exe?a=1&SHL=1

For example, what Google offered as a translation for "uncage" was along the lines of "release the lion"

Here, however, especially if you look into Aviation and Military phrases sections, and cut the extra "gyroscope" from the formula http://multitran.ru/c/m.exe?l1=1&l2=2&s=uncaged

you'll get the very world you need. A long one, will need to be shortened to fit.

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