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How to reduce the size of a map, thus the theatre

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I have found running the same jet fighter in Flanders (FE1) and desert (SFP1) the former map gives faster frame rates.


So here is what I intend to do, decrease the theatre size of desert, but how it is done? Could anybody enlighten me upon this one?


Many thanks!

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can't be done "just like that"... Flanders terrain is simply much much times smaller than desert one,


you'd need to make new desert map from scratch using terrain editor... and there's no point in having 250x250 kilometers map for jet fighters

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Moved to a more correct Forum


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Like Stary said, you'd have to create a totally new terrain from scratch. And anything as small scale as a WW1 map would be next to useless for a jet-based sim


The smallest terrain I know of for either series would be the Canary Islands map -- I think it's just under 500x500 km (if that!)



kevin stein

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