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TM Warthog $350 at Frys

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I have wanted to get a Warthog, but I simply don't have the money, especially considering that my Saitek X-52 Pro still works 100%. However, I can't pass up this price. My Saitek X-45 works 100% as well, but I got the X-52 Pro for $100 when it retailed for $200 and never regretted it. Hopefully, this will be a repeat of history where an unnecessary upgrade turns out to be an excellent decision. Now I need some overtime to cover the difference :P I really hope I don't get a lemon as many have. I still have a spare B-8 stick grip that was meant for helicopter control sticks. Instead of the threaded mil-std pin connector of my F-4 B-8, it has an open hole with wires dangling that may prove to be adaptable to the TM Warthog stick mount. Then I would have the flexibility of using my full F-4 stick or a desktop B-8 :)

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There has been alot of problems with that stick so I havent got one yet. I am waiting for the price to come down and the bugs to get fixed.

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I have read endless posts online about the Logitech and the Warthog. As appealing as force feedback sounds, the Logitech implementation is of lower quality than the old MS stick AND has far too many firmware and mechanical/electrical issues. A shame, because if it worked as good as it looks, I would have gotten one of those. The key problems I see with the Warthog are price and reliability. $500 or $600 for something that I will probably have to send back to the manufacturer isn't right! But at $350, I will take a chance. Just have to squeeze in some overtime to cover the $350 that I don't really have right now.

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Oh yeah jump on it. Its a great deal. I am sure the bugs will get worked out. I am just holding off until them.

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I wouldn't get a TM Warthog for the simple reason that it gives you no displacement feedback. Ergonomically, that's a foul.



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I think $350 is still too much for what you get, quality issues or no.

I got the Logitech sticks and while they're not perfect they've worked for me ok. I wish they'd release another driver update, but in the meantime I can make do.


The main mark against the Warthog for me was there were no pedals included. The 940 had them, and while they also are not great, they're better (now) than my decades-old (literally) gold-anodized TM RCS I was using with my FLCS and then Cougar. The idea that after spending all that I would STILL have to buy more new pedals...that would be $600 minimum?! At this price, that becomes $450, and that's still outrageous.


I suppose if all the reviews and users agreed this thing was 100%, no flaws, best HOTAS ever with no reservations, I could see that $450 for stick, throttle, and pedals might be acceptable. However, I've heard people say they've had almost 100% out of CH's triple combo which comes in SIGNIFICANTLY below $450 (even though sold as 3 pieces) so why bother?


TBH, I feel I perhaps should've gone CH instead of Logitech. The FFB is awesome when it works properly, but some sims are a bit wonky with it, but CH didn't have it so I got the Logi. If not for FFB, I would've just gone CH and probably wouldn't have had any regrets.



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I have rudder pedals... what I like are authentic controls. CH throttle has never appealed to me. CH pedals were too close together. While I don't really care for the F-16 style stick, the quality of the hardware in terms of accuracy/precision is top notch on the Warthog with plenty of data to prove it. The throttle setup is the other great component. If and when I get a setup that can play DCS:A-10C, the Warthog stick is by far the way to go. Too many have sent their Logitech sticks back and replaced them with CH sticks for me to even think about trying them. From wiring problems in the throttle to precision problems caused by deadbanding in the firmware, the Logitech sticks have some major unresolved issues. There are certainly some nightmare stories out there my Warthog owners as well, but the overall design and software are solid, seems to be more of a quality control problem. So, as long as I don't get one of the nightmare lemons, I may actually end up with a stick I like better than Saitek. Previously, all of my HOTAS have been Saitek. I loved the X-36 USB. The X-45 has problems due to the centering spring, but the X-52 Pro got it right 100% for me. As I already have my preferred F-4 Phantom B-8 stick, a nice realistic throttle would be what I really need, and the Warthog throttle is an excellent match for it. Similar to the F-15A throttle, which also had a B-8 stick grip. If only SF series sims could use the dual throttle to its fullest.

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The Warthog is as good as I could have hoped it to be (so far). However, despite all the gains in weight, feel, and precision, I really find no difference in my ability to fly/fight in the SF2 series, Aces High, and Steel Beasts Pro PE. Other than having an authentic dual throttle setup, for the money, the X-52 Pro gives you almost the same thing for a lot less money. If you take money out of the equation, the Warthog has a few more buttons/hats while the X-52 Pro has a few more axes and better ergonomics. I think the Warthog will certainly shine best in DCS A-10C, but I don't have a nice enough computer to bother buying that yet. It is also a better setup for LOMAC/FC/FC2. Even at $350, I don't think I should have bought the Warthog given that my X-52 Pro still works as well even after years of use. But the throttle is perfect whenever I get around to building my own pit, which will largely be F-4 based and be built around my B-8 stick. I never could afford the couple of F-4 throttles that popped up on eBay over the years.

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