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Hi! First of all, let me tell you that you have a great forum and a great community here, and apologise for my English.


I'm a great fan of aviation and aviation games in general, but I have some difficulties with some games, because they are too realistic. I like the mid-term between arcade and simulation, and games like WOE, in which we can select the simulation level are very good.


But I don't have Joystick, and play with mouse. But the mouse in this game is very slow and insensitive. I selected the mouse in the settings as the flight control, and I can, in fact, control the plane, but with slow movements, because if I move the mouse, the plane doesn't respond as it should.

What I want to do is to increase the movement of the plane when i move the mouse, or something like that. The settings menu has 2 options about joystick' dead-zone and sensitiveness, but doesn't have for mouse.



Thank you!

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welcome on board!


well, it is not exactly the answer but i also don't have joystick, but i play very well with the "classic" keyboard. i don't know how improve the control when using the mouse but i will try to help you, editing some ini's and doing tests. drinks.gif

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Long ago, when I used keyboard for TheSims -- old Su-27 Flaker 1.0, then Forgotten Battles. After a year of FB, I got a simple cheap joystick (but very large and rock solid).


Why can't you run a joystick? I was there -- I was "good" with a keyboard for some years, until I got my first joystick, and a new world!!!!


Same with video card. I played FB with integrated Trident video on motherboard, I would be "okay" ... until I got my first real game card -- ATI 9200 ... and that was low end, but a new world above Trident.


....Trident made one of the fastest 2D cards though, which I needed most years ago, but games are 3D.

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I agree. If you can get a joystick, do it. It just isn't the same on keyboard. I just use a cheap logitech one and it's fine. I would suggest a twist rudder joystick - it makes all the difference in turning.

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