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Sound settings in Workshop

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In another thread we were discussing OFF sound settings in a attempt to provide the most (perceived anyway) realistic experience.


My question is about the settings themselves and what exactly they control sound-wise.


From the Workshop screen:


ENGINE - I will guess this is a self-explanatory one. The sound level of your own engine presumably?


EFFECTS - Another easy one? Shell bursts, bomb noises, fabric tearing, enemy fire and engine noise, etc?


COCKPIT - No clue here. Help!


USER I/F - User Interface? The sound level everywhere else (campaign screens, etc) when out of the cockpit?



Edited by DukeIronHand

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ENGINE - own engine and damaged engine sound

EFFECTS - flak, wind, AI-engine, so to say everything from outside besides guns

COCKPIT - your own guns, guns from external view and AI guns

USER I/F - everything in non-missions. buttons, sound of switching pages etc.

Edited by Creaghorn

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ENGINE - own engine and damaged engine sound

EFFECTS - flak, wind, AI-engine, so to say everything from outside besides guns

COCKPIT - your own guns, guns from external view and AI guns

USER I/F - everything in non-missions. buttons, sound of switching pages etc.




Thank you Creaghorn.

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Since you are the sound expert Creaghorn I will throw this at you.


Is there a .xml file somewhere where each individual sound can be set independently at its own level?


In looking at the sounds controlled by "Effects" for example.


Can I, via a .xml edit, set the flak and AI engine noises to be low while setting the wind noise to be high?

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Since you are the sound expert Creaghorn I will throw this at you.


Is there a .xml file somewhere where each individual sound can be set independently at its own level?


In looking at the sounds controlled by "Effects" for example.


Can I, via a .xml edit, set the flak and AI engine noises to be low while setting the wind noise to be high?


there is the sound.xml in the main folder and it has many of the sound effect settings. but it is quite a fiddling. not easy and a lot of trial and error. other sound settings are coded or spread in different folders, depending of where they are needed. wind for example is buried in the various aircraft folders and every AC has it's own wind settings. so you will have to play with windsettings (quite a fiddling too) for each aircraft. :salute:



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I was afraid you were going to say that.


I had already opened the sound.xml with a XML Editor and, yes, rather confusing, i.e., not obvious and in kind of a strange format - with not all sounds listed and apparently a lot listed that are not used.


Ah OFF...you never make anything easy!

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Well, OFF offers quite a bit of adjustments in "Workshops" for the sounds.

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