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Buddy's gone...

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My aussie shepard mix Buddy whom had been my friend for over 7 years, I had to have put to sleep. He had somehow poisoned himself a week ago. I didnt realize how serious it was till, I think, too late. There wasnt much even the doctors could do, his kidneys and liver were badly damaged. He quit eating and his lungs were badly congested. My sweatheart of a girlfriend did all she could to help also, but there wasnt anymore we could do; he was suffeering and only saw a prolonged death ahead of him. I stayed with him while they injected him with an overdose of sleeping medicine, looking him in his eyes, telling him I loved him. He slipped away so fast I didnt even realize it had happened at first. I brought him home and laid him to rest next to the nectering tree my mom started.


Many's the trail my dog and I walked. Many a mile thru sand, sun, wind, rain, bugs; everyone one of them made richer by that good animal and his gentle, loyal company. He always forgave my temper, never doubted me, always came when I called, and was only fully happy at my side. How do you reprise a friend like that? All the days of my life I will never look at a trail again without thinking of Buddy, my friend. God, how I shall miss him...




"...there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother." Proverbs 18:24

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sorry for your loss...but atleast he isn't suffering.

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