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Yak-3RD Mixed Propulsion Fighter by Pasko

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Yak-3RD Mixed Propulsion Fighter by Pasko

Yakovlev Yak-3RD "What If..." Mixed-Propulsion Fighter by Pakso

= For SF2, Any & All versions (Full-4 Merged Prefered*) =


*Note: Full-4 merged prefered tag is because some decals used are referenced from SF2:I*


Modifications, tweeks, FM enhancements, and so forth to Pakso's Prop/Rocket fighter.

This makes the assumption (oh! that word!) the 3RD was put into serial production, instead of the just the 2 prototypes that were historically built. As was the original release, it is "As Is" with all the flaws and warts and etc. See the "Notes" section for more details.

This package replaces the one I uploaded some long time back at CombatAce.


As expected, the canopy opens/closes via manual animation keystroke -the (in)famous Shift/0.

No weapons or guns are supplied with this pak; they are the same ones included in the Yak-9U pak recently released, and should be available in Gunny's Weapons Pak.


It also should be noted, the Mission Profiles that can be flown have been limited to A-A: CAP, Intercept (due to expected range limitations), and Recon just for fun (with drop tanks).


All new skins, from new Home-Grown Templates ™ in 1024x are supplied. One is Natural Metal, and other is overall Medium Gray. See the "Notes" section regarding the 2-tone Gray camo supplied, but not activated (severe LOD mapping issues)


As always, fairly easy to follow, detailed install instructions are included. So, please read them. Also, give the "Notes" section a read for further information and stuff like that there. For historical purposes, Pasko's original readme is included.

This will give a (relatively) decent "What If..." for WW2 and the Post-War period; the Beginning of the Cold War, hence it location in the "What If Hangar".



kevin stein


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