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Rainbox 6 lives again - in 2013

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Long ago, before Call of Duty, there was a tactical shooter called Rainbox 6 about a counter terrorist team. My favorite way Rainbow 6: Rogue Spear. At any rate, it's apparently back in production and slated for 2013. Enjoy the shocking footage of team Rainbow in a brutal new world.





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I played a few of the Rainbow 6 titles on XBox - can't remember which but great fun!

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I never got on with Rainbow 6...prefered SWAT4

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Jeez!...that's pretty full on isn't it?.... glad I'm getting a new PC...My 13 yr old should NOT see this one!

(I on the other hand) :drinks:

Edited by UK_Widowmaker

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I hope its more like Raven Shield and less like Vegas. However, judging from the trailer, id say its a new GRAW. And that might not be all bad...

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I'm a big fan of the original Ghost Recon (before it went console style, didn't like GRAW sytle) and Rainbow 6 series. Hopefully this will live up to those in gameplay and grit. 1 shot meant 99% of the time you were down, it really was a lean/peak very quickly with the minimal of body revealed and pop back in cover then move or you died ;).

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Multiplayer on Rainbow 6: Rogue Spear was probably among the best FPS PvP I've ever experienced. Graphics are of course dated now, but the gameplay was top notch. I played so many Bunkers matches with just pistols and Frags it's insane. I can still hear the theme song in my head. It always got me so pumped to play!




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I'm a big fan of the original Ghost Recon (before it went console style, didn't like GRAW sytle) and Rainbow 6 series. Hopefully this will live up to those in gameplay and grit. 1 shot meant 99% of the time you were down, it really was a lean/peak very quickly with the minimal of body revealed and pop back in cover then move or you died ;).


I recently re purchased the Ghost Recon series as a boxed set, no copy protection now. The mods all seem to work with it to. This is my favourite shooter of all time. The squad commands were / are fairly good. So many mods and game types as well. My current installation runs to about 4 gig with all the mods etc.


I have a lot of the others in the series but have not played them yet. Hope my old P4 lasts in case they do not work on a modern PC.


Regards MarkL

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I recently re purchased the Ghost Recon series as a boxed set, no copy protection now. The mods all seem to work with it to. This is my favourite shooter of all time. The squad commands were / are fairly good. So many mods and game types as well. My current installation runs to about 4 gig with all the mods etc.


I have a lot of the others in the series but have not played them yet. Hope my old P4 lasts in case they do not work on a modern PC.


Regards MarkL


To be honest, most of my older games are fine on Win7 Mark....with just a few requiring Dosbox :good:

(and the option to dualboot of course)

Edited by UK_Widowmaker

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Multiplayer on Rainbow 6: Rogue Spear was probably among the best FPS PvP I've ever experienced. Graphics are of course dated now, but the gameplay was top notch. I played so many Bunkers matches with just pistols and Frags it's insane...


Agree with that Hellshade, bunkers was a great one on one map too. Multiplayer was superb (teamspeak etc was just starting to be more popular then so squad multiplayer was very exciting and tense). I remember sometimes being the last alive v 5 skilled enemies and your teammates held their breath for 5 minutes as it was 1 bullet dead was rather tense :)


I recently re purchased the Ghost Recon series as a boxed set, no copy protection now. The mods all seem to work with it to. This is my favourite shooter of all time. The squad commands were / are fairly good. So many mods and game types as well.


Yes I think I may dig out my old Ghost Recon and add some mods for old time sake. The first one had some great open large maps so again tense team games on there.


Need something to do after the OFFing :)

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I really loved Rainbow Six and Rogue Spear. Was NOT a fan of the series after they went consoles, in fact that's pretty much what ended it for a good while. Glad they're getting a reboot.


The same can be said for Ghost Recon.

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