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Is it just my computer or has the latest patches made the 3:rd party hangarscreens unusable? It seems that none of the customized hangarscreens works I checked some plane.inis and it they all contained the line "HangarScreen=planename_hangar.bmp"

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I'm not expert but's it's the new skin-specific feature of patch, more @Thirdwire forum

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The new hangar screen system is now skin specific, so the bmp file should be inside the skin folder for it to work.

At the moment there is no defaulting to a file in the plane root, however it has been suggested to TK, I don't think he answered to that yet.


I have yet to try it as I still am on Sep11, but using "HangarScreen=../planename_hangar.bmp" might work.

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yup, they now have to reside in EVERY single skin folder for EVERY add-on skin; and in every add-on aircraft. Best to start converting them bmps to jpg, as they're like 75% smaller (average 200-500k, verses 2.3mg for bmp style)


I hope he 're'fixes this back to the way it was.

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I like the idea of having a "skin" hanger screen but i also liked having the generic hanger screen before the loadout screen. I'm with Wrench on this I also hope he 're'fixes this.

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Actually guys, TK did fix the hangar problem with the 2 beta patches here:





I installed both patches that he posted in the thread and now hangar screens are behaving as normal. Some are reporting ongoing minor issues though, and I myself have found I get no mission briefing text for SEAD missions (not a big enough problem to bother me at this stage).

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