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I don't thnik it'll work in real life

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:rofl: It will take many years before we see a proper AI in games, unfortunately. For now, the visual eye-candy is the priority for mainstream game devs :/

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bucket clip made my day! :lol::yikes::rofl::heat:


true about the AI unimportance in today's games development... I killed two giants in Skyrim today, using crude hunter's bow and lots of arrows, by standing on a high rocks formation -these poor beasts had no brains to actually move away or search for route to get me. THE only good AI I meet are Half-Life 1 soldiers and BOB2:WOV Buddeye's AI

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Half-Life 1 soldiers


Oh man those bastards were awsome, they would flank you, supress you while the other one is throwing the grenade and a bunch of other never before seen stuff and that was freakin 1998, not to mention HL didn't lack in graphics department one bit in that time not only that but they were leading the cutting edge actually, all that with unbelievable performace on mid-range machines...there's just no developers like that anymore...

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yeah, it schifted from "let's make something brand new" to "let's make something which we could easily squizee ten DLC packs from"


I blame increased internet accessibility. And Steam. Oh, Paypal too. And development costs.


Bring back 640x480 software accelerated games!:rofl:

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I think alot of this shame was game devs hoping online shooter matches would eliminate the need to program AI. They were wrong, especially in air combat flight TheSims which have always been AI disasters -- although there is so MUCH other worldly (sky-atmospheric) 3 dimensional things to program for but even so...you'd think at least ONE air combat flight TheSim would simulate AI losing vision in the dark.

Edited by Lexx_Luthor

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