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Request - Paveway III series updated model

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Great work Ravenclaw. Was wondering if you had plans of adding the AGM-123 Skipper II to the arsenal. The current example could use some Ravenclaw love!:drinks:

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yap i will add it , could i ask a favor could you look if you find a picture that shows the rocket part from the rear the picture i have is not that good and show no detail



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Doh, the Mk78 name confused me there - Here's the back of a AGM-45 but there's not much detail TBH (middle missile)




Bottom Left in white - again not much use I'm afraid, people just don't want to take pics on the rear of missiles/bombs etc.



Edited by ianh755

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Real good pics of this thing are hard to find....but the Shrike motor pics should do. Thanks, Ravenclaw you are the man!:drinks:

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Ravenclaw - Something I noticed with the PW4_Beta bomb, the diameter needs changing in the data.ini file to




as the original Diameter=0.27000 is perfect for the normal GBU-12 but doesn't include the extra height of the databus/fuzing cables that run on the top on a PW4 meaning that the suspension lugs get modelled about 3-4in into the pylon.


The above Diameter just shows the bottom of the suspension lugs as IRL.


I gave the Skipper II a run about earlier too and again it's a work of art!

Edited by ianh755

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Ravenclaw - Something I noticed with the PW4_Beta bomb, the diameter needs changing in the data.ini file to




as the original Diameter=0.27000 is perfect for the normal GBU-12 but doesn't include the extra height of the databus/fuzing cables that run on the top on a PW4 meaning that the suspension lugs get modelled about 3-4in into the pylon.


The above Diameter just shows the bottom of the suspension lugs as IRL.


I gave the Skipper II a run about earlier too and again it's a work of art!


Thanks :drinks: , the diameter for the paveway4 is 0.314 on the 3D model , to the bottom of the lugs

Edited by ravenclaw_007

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Cheers altered mine to 0.314, the 0.332 shows a bit too much lug in comparison (something the Tornado pack suffered from too - I like seeing Lug! :yikes: )

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One question guys...GBU-24 is the same as GBU-27 right?

Just the warhead is different in that the 27 is a bunker penetrator and the 24 is a regular kick ass GBU?

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GBU-24 USES A MK84 BOMB WHEREAS THE GBU-27 USES THE BLU-109 PENETRATOR BOMB AND DIFFERENT FINS but lots of gbu-24 versions. Sorry for the caps!


Paveway series in great depth - http://wiki.scramble.nl/index.php/Paveway

Edited by ianh755

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OK to cut the story short, can I use any of the released models as GBU-24 lol

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Yes but thats cheating! :yikes:


The awesome GBU-27 model Revenclaw did can be a substitute for the GBU-24A/B (USAF) and GBU-24B/B (USN) or UK Paveway III (GBU-24(V)2/B - 4/B - 8B) but the fins are slightly different although TBH how many people will notice when they'll be to busy admiring the the bomb in the 1st place!

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or you just wait antil i´m done with the skin the model and the mapping is finish i just did not have any time to make the skins :grin:


GBU-27 is the BLU-109 with the fin-assembly of the GBU-10 and the seeker of the GBU-24 with short fins for use on the F-117 to fit in to the bay


GBU-24 uses the MK-84 , BLU-116 and BLU-109 warheads






GBU-27 seeker-assembly with short fins



GBU-24 Seeker assembly with large fins


Edited by ravenclaw_007

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will wait, wasn't sure you'll do them but was a bit shy to ask for more after all this godness :good:

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i will rework almost all of the GBU´s but it is not a major project for me i just do it to relax from the other projects i´m working on , so it will take some time antil all bombs are done :grin:

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The large fins of the GBU-24/B series weapons don't fit into the bomb bay of the F-117 Nighthawk, and therefore the US Air Force developed the GBU-27/B, a specially configured 2000 lb class Paveway III for use by the F-117. The primary difference from the GBU-24/B is that the GBU-27/B uses a Paveway II-type airfoil group, and slightly more compact suspension logs. When fitted with GPS/INS-enabled WGU-39A/B GCUs, the GBU-27/B LGBs are informally referred to as EGBU-27. The GBU-27/B entered service in 1987, and about 3200 rounds have been produced.




Designation for BLU-109/B bomb fitted with Paveway III guidance kit and fitted with WGU-39A/B CCG.




Designation for BLU-116/B bomb fitted with Paveway III guidance kit and fitted with WGU-39A/B CCG.


Hope this helps!:good:



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here are the GBU-24 for testing they are still beta


based on the info i have the paveway-III wing assembly has almost the doppel the lift as the paveway-II so i increase the lift-drag ratio to 6 , if it is not enough let me know and i will change it




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