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Unmarked European 1 skin for F-4E?

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I'm looking for an unmarked version of the F-4E Euro 1 scheme, as for the F-4E_78, 526 TFS RS that I've got - but completely without markings. I'm looking at doing a fictional RNZAF F-4E and as they used a similar scheme on the Kahu, it would make a nice change from the all-too-common SAE scheme. Anybody got any ideas? (Kevin?)

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do you have Sundowner's F-4E templates? They're in the SF2 downloads section someplace....(and they ARE worth the download!!!)


be a simple matter to just paint in the new overall Euro green color (or paint out the insignia on one already Euro1)


that'd be my best bet!

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Well, I've got Sundowner's templates - which are excellent - but there is no Euro 1 skin in the download, and the SEA skin has been used into a solid base layer, which is unfortunate. As the work has already been done on the Euro 1 skin, I'd hoped to find that one ready for use! Do not despair...

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I'm looking for an unmarked version of the F-4E Euro 1 scheme, as for the F-4E_78, 526 TFS RS that I've got - but completely without markings. I'm looking at doing a fictional RNZAF F-4E and as they used a similar scheme on the Kahu, it would make a nice change from the all-too-common SAE scheme. Anybody got any ideas? (Kevin?)


One of the best USAF schemes! There was a stock Euro 1 scheme in WOE (possibly for the F-4D) and it was disappointing that it I didn't make the cut to SF2E. Perhaps TK had already earmarked it for a DLC...

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Yes - the only Euro 1 schemes that have got into SF2 have the markings fused, more's the pity. They look very good, but you can't mess around with them!


This will give you some idea what I have in mind, but it really isn't up to scratch as the tan is only photoshopped out.





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drop the existing Euro1 skin into the template, and repaint it via new layer so the old stuff don't show, using Ant's super-duper panel & rivet lines (and other details). It ain't that much work...how do you think I did the 'Great Pumpkin' Phantom (see What If screenshot thread)



nigel, this is the skin in question? It being used on a _78 Phantom. I say about 10 minutes of work on each map to 'convert' it...just paint over the stars on a seperate layer right on the skin bmp, add a little noise, fade to match and redraw a couple of panel lines and you're good to go!

Slimers are decals, however but look good!

Edited by Wrench

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here ya go.... since my last post, did this. You'll have to do up you're own serial number decals, however. :grin:

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Looking good... Let me check a couple of things more though. Got an idea...

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