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OK listen up...patch info at Major Lees! Geez..

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I'm finally at the point to not even answering the"I'm leaving" posts...go over to Major Lees and go to the comms room.The latest patch version was just released to the testers Jan. 10.I'm sorry if I step on toes but if you want to go..by all means just go.Don't waste my time explaining why you don't like SF...yes Falcon 4 is great,I play it alot,but it was worse than SF ever dreamed of being,when I first bought it it was junk.CFS3 is still junk and I have foound most M$ releases are until the communities fix them,Janes F-18,EAW,Mig Alley all these are being made better,IL-2 great sim alot of support ,USAF is great now that it's been modded,again when first released...you guessed it -junk.So don't waste time and bandwidth complaining..Christ I got alot of grips about alot of sims..yes everyone that I see praised here..I can trash them real fast.

I'm sorry if I stepped on toes but it seems people have short memories,not long ago the same things we're reading here were being said about most of the sims I mentioned above.

I'm not singling out anybody,so don't go getting all defencive on me, but come on guys if SF is to survive we need to stick together.

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I can understand your feelings on my post ok, Simple fact is, Strat First Gutshot Strikefighters from the get-go. It might have been savable had they followed TK's requests to not release...they didn't. I got took..again...thinking that maybe, just maybe, it would be ok. I've waited almost four months now. I have better uses for my time than waiting around, twiddling my thumbs to do flight models on a very broken sim. We can fix FM's all we want..we can't fix broken code. I know TK is tryin..but I don't think Strat First is being straight with him, or us.




I seriously hope you change publishers..I would strongly suggest approaching ubisoft for your next release. They, at least, listen to their dev teams. IL2 was put on hold for a year at Oleg's request because of bugs in the beta for IL2 that he was having problems working around. He got it fixed and both Maddox Games and Ubisoft have benefitted from it. They've done the same with LO Mac once just to be sure they could include in that sim what they said they would.


Guys, the bottom line is this. I've had enough of waiting. I've had enough of the silence, I've had enough of Strat First period. This isn't the first sim they have published that I have bought that was screwed from the get go. Steel Beasts was another that was under developed that could have been a show-stopper had it been done right from the start. Patch news or not..I've had enough. I'm going back to what I know..and thats flying a viper over Korea..Good hunting, and good luck.



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Guest Ranger332

Major Lee

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Joined: 24 Dec 2002

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Location: Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA

Posted: Sat Jan 11, 2003 10:50 am Post subject: Beta update part 2...




TK has released a new beta version for his authorized testers. I am downloading it now and will test it this weekend. If I can get some inspiration together, I will make a new video based on the Jan10 build...


In response to other questions, I have no idea when TK is planning to release "THE PATCH". This is his decision to make, and I do not claim to know all the factors that TK must weigh in order to make this decision. All I can do is ask for your continued patience, understanding and support. In the meantime, there are numerous mod makers who would welcome help and of course, the mod-maker community has room for all who want to contribute. See you over the desert....


"Can he ever be young again, or was his youth used up in the cockpit of his beloved Thunderbolt



now you can eather accecpt it or reject it its your choice but there it is floks

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I was at Major Lee's earlier, and what I saw was GREAT!! And I agree with you that there were some sims a LOT WORSE when they were released. I threw away CFS3 (In the trash) because it was SO BAD! This one has so MUCH potential, that i'm willing to put up with the problems just to see how good it'll be eventually be. It's frustrating to be sure, but not worth quitting over. If enough of us hang in there, and keep working on it, this WILL get better.


Besides, if WE fix it, maybe we can get some $$$$$$$$$$$ frpm Third Wire and TK. (Drrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaammmmmm Onnnnnn) LOL

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Not only are we working on 01-10 beta patch, we testers have been getting updates at least once a week (sometimes more) since this puppy went "gold" from TK. TK's working his butt off...as well as beta testers. :)

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Guest Ranger332

good to hear ty for the info

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Actually CFS3 is quite playable now. Some of the third-party guys have "worked" it and are still doing things to it. Plus, if you havent heard MS is doing a patch (Will wonders never cease).


Not sure what your sys is but it runs good on my 1.4 Ghtz sys.



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MICROSOFT???????!!!!!!!!?????? A Patch!!!!!!??!! A SURE sign that the Apocalypse is upon us.

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Guest JEAGER332

hey night long time no see


hey dont know why you ppl getting in a snit i cant even play the game right now and I dont like Rangers setup on his pc so there :lol:

at least you can play the game be happy

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Guest PhantomWarrior

patch ---Patch---PATCH thats all I see now



just enjoy all the new addons-new terraine/new aircraft/new weapons/and more skins then you can shack a joystick at

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