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Can anyone point me in the direction of a good UK jet pilot skin? I've been and searched but no joy.



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check out SF1 download section there are several and they work in SF2 too.

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Certainly there are some in the SF1 downloads section - I put them there quite some time ago.


But, if you can wait for a day I'll package up newer more detailed ones I've done - using Florian's excellent models*. They work with both SF1 and SF2 titles.


*Based on these models: http://combatace.com/files/file/6693-western-style-pilot-models/


Your query has prompted me to finally post these newer ones. Cheers.


Regards, comrpnt.

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In the works using new pilots that Florian made 4 me,My package will include all the british pilots from post WW2 to present,post war are based on TW stock pilot the others with new Florian's,also in this big pack will you'll find all the US from 80's to present,IDF (Present), and Swedish 1970-present.


But is a long work,don't ask when it will be done cause i can't say it it depends on my spare time,when all will done you'll find it here 4 sure!

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