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Is it possibly to have a squadron with a choice of aircraft? Without buying money? Without upgrading? You can still switch a given selection planes?

Like one squadron may have F-5e's, F-4e's, F-8j's, KfirC7's, A-4'F's, and UH-1 Helo's?

I personally think this option will make the game play for a mission much more funner and allow the player to go on a mix of missions. And if we succeed with this coding, we could apply it to the enemy as well.

And after a while, your squadron mates may pic a personal jet + paint scheme for theirselves? Should spice up the merc campaigns but apply elsewhere to,


Knowing that some planes have this in the line for day and light missions.


And use it for this line in Campaign_Data.



And another example


I haven't tested this yet, And I'm going to try t out. Please respond if your interested.

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I haven't thought about it, but it seems to be a great idea. The problem is that I don't think the game engine is designed to do such thing. You don't loose anything because of trying. It would be nice too to have missions being created in-game. For example, have a CAS mission and have a controller ordering you go here and there. Good luck!!!

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don't think that'll work at all. 99.9999% of listing can only use a single aircraft type (in other words, never seen that since 2003!)


best advice: study/examine existing campaign data ini, both stock and 3rd party

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WW-2: The US Navy and perhaps the Marine Corps had what I believe where "composite" squadrons. They would be VC-##. A different way to have a Det of VF,VS,VB,VT and what else commanded by what again.

Korea: Similar but updated for the airframe/ weapons platform

South East Asia: I think USAF groups flying COIN missions had different planes in the same squadron. A-1E, A-1J, A-1H, A-1J, A-1H, A-1G, T-28D, A-26, AC-47, and maybe a C-123 Attack platform.

In my life there where a few VC squdrons that had a mix of like A-4s and H-3s, and I bet the aggresor squadrons had a mix too.

An early cold war mix for A-1s was the Navy AD-5s would deploy in dets and either be atached or hosted by a SPAD squadron (Thats what I want) until the AD-5s where retired or sent to the USAF.

V/R Group,


Edited by charlielima

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