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SAM's for community made ships in SF2:NA.

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To start with I decided to focus my work on just two ship classes, one is the Slava Class cruiser the other the F122 class frigate. However I have so far I have failed to get to missiles working on them in the new set up. I want to try one more thing first and then I will see about posting both original and modified versions of the two ship's Data.ini file for every one to comment on. I could use the help in figuring out how to do this.

Edited by KJakker

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Man i wished i could help sf2 na came out the day before i left for vacation i got to run a couple test runs then out the door i went! Have not even been able to look at the ini sets as im living on my iphone rite now

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I do think your choices to get started were good though because both had aaimated launchers that did notheing btw you should look at udaloy II and see if you can get the ciws systems missiles workin too.

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Leave it to me. The weapon systems on the Slava in particular are very similar to the Kirov I'm building, so making the conversion has been simple so far. I'll post or upload the new data as soon as I'm finished testing everything.

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Leave it to me. The weapon systems on the Slava in particular are very similar to the Kirov I'm building, so making the conversion has been simple so far. I'll post or upload the new data as soon as I'm finished testing everything.


Any advice on setting up the launchers? I look at the Data.ini of the ThirdWire ships and mimic how the launchers are set up as far as I can tell in various community made ships but I still am not having any luck. I must me missing something but I am not sure what.

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one question i have is do i have to run the old weapons through the new editor individually to make um work as i couldn't see the new stuff in SF2e on the new ships until i renamed the weapon folder to something other then weapons but of course lost all the old weps like the sm-2mr and any other then pre sf2na march2012 patch as soon as i renamed the old stuff came back and new stuff went away

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Any advice on setting up the launchers? I look at the Data.ini of the ThirdWire ships and mimic how the launchers are set up as far as I can tell in various community made ships but I still am not having any luck. I must me missing something but I am not sure what.



Here's what I've learned so far.


First, all the systems and nodes have to be layed out as they are connected in the model hierarchy. This is easy if there's a .OUT file included, but otherwise you have to guess.Previously, all the weapons had to be listed as components under the [GroundObjectData]. Now, we just put the hull and superstructure there. Everything else (including weapons and radar) gets attached to those components.


Second, you should usually leave the [WeaponSystem] entry blank... unless you need to do a vertical launch system or other weapon that doesn't pivot. I can't get VLS to work any other way. Having a WeaponSystem doesn't prevent you from sticking on other weapons and turrets with the new method, though.


Next, make sure that each weapon, including missile launchers, has a gunner. You need to put both the gun and gunner entries together on a component. The old way was to have a "gun turret" setup and then have the gunner and gun barrel(s) as subsystems. That still works, but the new way is actually simpler once you get used to it.


Make sure each gun barrel or missile rail is a separate entry. For example, here's the hull from the Leahy which I'm using as a testbed.







SystemName[003]=Launcher-f //This is "GunnerID=3" and controls the two missile rails of the foward launcher.



SystemName[006]=Launcher-a //This is "GunnerID=4" and controls the two missile rails of the aft launcher.




By the way, to make a fire_control radar move, enter in a GunnerID that matches the gun or missile launcher.




SystemName[001]=Radar1 //Basic search and track radars are like they've always been.


SystemName[003]=FCradar1 //I have these two fire control radars tied in to Gunner3 so they guide the forward missile launcher.






SystemName[002]=FCradar3 //These are tied to Gunner4 as above.


SystemName[004]=Gunner1 //These are the CIWS gunners, and right below them are the actual gun entries.






Here's some vital data for the guns:





TargetType=AIR //Each gun or missile can be specified to AIR, GROUND, or AIR_AND_GROUND, and it actually works now.

MissileDefense=TRUE //New entry which you might want to put on point defense systems. How well it works is another matter.


Targetable=TRUE //This entry apparently can go on radars, guns, and other subsystems.













Here's an example of a missile launcher.


[Launcher-f] //You can name this as "Gunner3" or however you like, just make sure it matches whatever you entered earlier.

















MissileLaunchTime=10.0 //Missile "gunners" have different types of entries. No "rangefinder" etc. needed, but you need "MissileLaunchTime."







MaxMissilesInAir=2 //This entry seems to be *per gunner* and not total for the ship.





SystemType=MISSILE //Make SURE you have this entry or it won't shoot.

GunnerID=3 //Match the GunnerID to the launcher.

MissileID=1 //A two-rail missile launcher



















Different weapon systems have different methods of setting up. For example, I recommend that for Sea Sparrow launchers on the F122 and similar ships, you do it like the stock Spruance and make one missile with seven reloads. Anyway, I hope that helps.

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Here's what I've learned so far.


First, all the systems and nodes have to be layed out as they are connected in the model hierarchy. This is easy if there's a .OUT file included, but otherwise you have to guess.Previously, all the weapons had to be listed as components under the [GroundObjectData]. Now, we just put the hull and superstructure there. Everything else (including weapons and radar) gets attached to those components.


Second, you should usually leave the [WeaponSystem] entry blank... unless you need to do a vertical launch system or other weapon that doesn't pivot. I can't get VLS to work any other way. Having a WeaponSystem doesn't prevent you from sticking on other weapons and turrets with the new method, though.


Next, make sure that each weapon, including missile launchers, has a gunner. You need to put both the gun and gunner entries together on a component. The old way was to have a "gun turret" setup and then have the gunner and gun barrel(s) as subsystems. That still works, but the new way is actually simpler once you get used to it.


Make sure each gun barrel or missile rail is a separate entry. For example, here's the hull from the Leahy which I'm using as a testbed.







SystemName[003]=Launcher-f //This is "GunnerID=3" and controls the two missile rails of the foward launcher.



SystemName[006]=Launcher-a //This is "GunnerID=4" and controls the two missile rails of the aft launcher.




By the way, to make a fire_control radar move, enter in a GunnerID that matches the gun or missile launcher.




SystemName[001]=Radar1 //Basic search and track radars are like they've always been.


SystemName[003]=FCradar1 //I have these two fire control radars tied in to Gunner3 so they guide the forward missile launcher.






SystemName[002]=FCradar3 //These are tied to Gunner4 as above.


SystemName[004]=Gunner1 //These are the CIWS gunners, and right below them are the actual gun entries.






Thanks for the info! I had allot of it down myself but the above part is a great help.

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On the Slava, I have both the SA-N-6 missiles working (using a modified version of the original WeaponSystem entry), and also the SA-N-4 launchers working (using the new format).



The problem is, as you can see, the model has dummy missiles on those launchers that won't go away, so I just tried to get the real missiles positioned as close as possible. But without access to the original model or even an OUT file, it's a real pain. They do shoot, in any case.


I've been trying to get the Sandbox launchers to work as well. The missiles are positioned correctly, but they don't seem to want to launch. I wish I knew more about the inner workings of the game and what sort of new possibilities there are for ground objects.

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I got the SA-N-4 launchers on mine to shoot as well but with the same issue. Still you got the missiles closer to the launchers than I did.

I was wondering if you could take a look at the F122 Frigate's data.ini that I have attached to this post? I have managed to get all of its guns and missile launchers to track targets but only the guns are engaging them.



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Sure thing. I got all of the launchers shooting as they should. I also fixed the vastly overmodelled radar, put in new movement effects, damage effects and collision entries, and sound effects. etc. Should be good to go.

F122 update.rar

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Sure thing. I got all of the launchers shooting as they should. I also fixed the vastly overmodelled radar, put in new movement effects, damage effects and collision entries, and sound effects. etc. Should be good to go.



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For some reason the launchers on the F122 are still not working. There must me something else up with my instillation.

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Double check to make sure the missiles are in your weapons folder, and showing up properly in the weapon editor. (If they're not, it might indicate that the game isn't recognizing them.) The RIM-7E is stock as of SF2:NA so it should shoot, though. I'm not sure what else the problem might be.

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one problem with f122 & the RIM-7E is that the F122's RIM-7E models the missile housing cover as part of the missile. it maybe prudent to rename F122's missile so we ain't using the stock RIM-7E on that ship...

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Will you test the attached mission and tell me what happens regarding the F122 and the enemy A-4F's? With me only the guns open fire. Also would you attach the file for your the RIM-116B RAM? I tested my RIM-116B by swapping out the RIM-7E on the LHA-1 and found that the missile does not seem to work.


SAM Test 7.7z

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I ran the mission several times, and yeah, the Sea Sparrow launcher only got a shot off once. I think the Skyhawks in the mission are getting inside the frigate's minimum missile range too quickly, or maybe the sheer amount of targets (12) confused the ship's AI. I tried making other missions where I send a flight of 4 at the ship starting from further away, and the RIM-7 launched correctly.



The RIM-116 also showed some inconsistency. I just remembered, though, that sometimes the RIM-116 and other IR SAMs fail to fire unless ShowMissile=TRUE. It's like a "if you can't see me I can't see you" kind of thing, I guess. I changed it to TRUE in the F122 data and they're working every time now. After that change, the RAM launchers massacred the Skyhawks as soon as they passed over the boat.


I'm including the (re)updated data with those changes, so hopefully it'll work for you this time.

F122 update.rar

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Just tested the new file. No Sea Sparrow shots but the RIM-116's did indeed massacre the Skyhawks.

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Hey WBS are you going to update the Ticos and the other ship you released?

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F122 gave me the Lumber all weapons worked in fact got took down by Mauser fire after taking a glancing blow from a RAM

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Hey WBS are you going to update the Ticos and the other ship you released?


Yep! Just uploaded the Leahy and Bainbridge. Before I re-release the Tico, I'd like to make some improvements to the mesh and remap it more efficiently, so it might take a little while.

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Yep! Just uploaded the Leahy and Bainbridge. Before I re-release the Tico, I'd like to make some improvements to the mesh and remap it more efficiently, so it might take a little while.


Don't take too long my fleets are taking a pounding..... :lol:

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Yep! Just uploaded the Leahy and Bainbridge. Before I re-release the Tico, I'd like to make some improvements to the mesh and remap it more efficiently, so it might take a little while.


Off to download...

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