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been thinking, could the f-100 be used by West Germany as a maritime strike plane before they got tornados or f-4's in the 60's.

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not implausible. Denmark was using it in the late 50's plus at least Turkey and France within NATO. probably would have been less maintenence intensive and more forgiving to fly than the Starfighters they did wind up getting, as well as a capable platform with CBU, rockets and AS30s. since many D's were wired for Bullpup it should have been too hard to rewire for European ASM although radar would have been an issue for all weather missions.

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in theory using LAU rocket pods and bombs f-100 could be used as maritime strike plane.....think also the Bulpups and Shrike missiles for this role

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probably would have been less maintenence intensive and more forgiving to fly than the Starfighters


Less MX-intensice: yes.

More forgiving to fly: no.


Most Starfighter crashes weren't loss of control-related, but mission related (CFIT, Bird Strike, etc) or had an engine-component (AB-blowout on take-off, compressor-stall at low alt., etc).

The Huns, however, were falling from the skies to lots of inherent control-issues (Sabre-dance, adverse yaw, inertia-coupling).



Denmark wasn't too pleased about the Hun at all...

Edited by Toryu

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