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SF2 Combo 2009 files distribution

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I'm not sure if this has been asked yet but I couldn't find the answer in the forums...


I have used SF2 combo 2009 since its release and I have had all the SF2 games in one install as they are supposed to be with the combo pack. I was wondering though if there is a way to seperate each game into its own install? If there is I have not been able to do so yet. I know that opening each game seperately is possible but they always include the aircraft, campaigns, etc from all the games.





Edited by warthog64

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I've been using the SF2 Combo 2009 since it's release, but just downloaded all the individual titles which are patched to the April, 2012 level. It made the clean reinstallation process much simpler than using the SF2 Combo 2009 package, and you could do any individual installation you want. You need the access code from any of your prior purchases (they all use the same access code) to download the current versions from Thirdwire.

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Hi, same for me, now I don't know if I'm teaching Grandma how to suck eggs here but looking at the file system each version of the game seems to have it's own exe. which in turn seems to have it's own mod folder.


Now I know in the merged version of the game all objects from all games will be in every mod folder but obviously you can remove the objects you don't want from one mod folder but they will remain in the other ones so depending on which exe you use to open the game will depend on what objects will be available.


I think also you can copy and rename an exe which once used to open a game will create a new mod folder with the same name as the renamed exe.


Therefore by using different exe's and different mod folders you should be able to have different versions of the game with only one game installation. The only problem I can see with this that they will be at the same patch level.


Hope this helps.



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yup, each exe create it's own mods folder, thereby making is super easy to customize each and every one to YOUR liking!


(fer instance: removing all but the Arab and Isreali aircraft from the SF2:I)


you just simply delete the offending folders

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Thanks Everyone


I have tried deleting certain aircraft from each mod folder, but each time I restart a game all the aircraft have returned and are once again in the mod folder. I'll try again and try the other solutions though.

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