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Last Few Questions......

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Hi community,


SF2NA is now almost "sim perfecto" for me; just need 2 more issues sorted out (if indeed it can be done).




1. Can I reduce the size of the text for in game radio messages (such as AWACS?)



2. When I go out on a strike package, I always seem to lose my EA-6B's, mostly without them even launching their HARMS. Is there any way to fix this? The six-bravo is a specialised platform FFS!









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Is there any way to fix this? The six-bravo is a specialised platform FFS!


That does not make them invulnerable; rather it makes them priority targets.

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Increase their ECM capability!

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For the first question.


here save this text under these 2 lines as MESSAGESYSTEM.INI and then put in your flight folder!

As you can see you can change the font size to your liking. I set my size to be 16.
































My best regards, Kodiak.


PS you can also edit size and more things in the COMMDATA.INI and HUDDATA.INI

Edited by Kodiak

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i also do this to the message window:



//BackgroundImage=TextBackground.tga <--commented out






it removes that (to me!) annoying background bar

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